I voted for the first time

by Mackin 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mackin

    Well actually it was about two weeks ago now, but I was just talking with another X-JW friend yesterday who commented how significant it was for her. I'm not particularly political, I don't have strong opinions on politics, but it was pretty cool being free to do something that I had always been taught to believe was a terrible sin.

    You see here in New Zealand there was a general election held on July 27. All my life I have been in the Borg and subsequently never voted, it wasn't allowed. Voting would have made me "part of Satan's system of things" and all that.

    So for the month or so leading up to the election I paid extra attention to the political situation in the country and made a decision and when the day came, I made my way to the polling place (the local High School Hall) and voted.

    Just thought I'd share that with you all. It's soooo good to be free.


  • DakotaRed

    Good for you, Mackin. I voted in almost every election, until I beame a JW. I always felt like I was letting my voice be heard when I did. I especially liked it when my candidate won the election. The freedom to vote is one that should be taken lightly, though. Although not political, read up on issues and candidates and vote for whichever you think best represents you.

    I am going to get re-registered and vote in the next election myself. Time the U.S.A. heard from me again

    Lew W

  • onacruse

    Me, too, Mackin. Just voted for the first time this last spring (mail-in ballot).

    Yes, it is amazing to be free from the twisted perspectives the Society has about society.



  • Beck_Melbourne

    Hello my friend...well done, pat on the back and all that jazz. I have to admit that I have surrendered to laziness where the politics of this land are concerned. I promise that I will give it some attention next election...maybe I will consult Stephanus....I have no idea where to start, I only know I have to learn from scratch who's who in the zoo....which I'm sure we all have to go through when we exit the borg and enter that forbidden world of politics etc.

    I'm looking forward to some late night discussions on the affairs of the land next month


  • Prisca

    I was a voting virgin until last year. Federal elections meant we had to vote for who was going to be our Prime Minister. It wasn't so hard, thankfully I remembered all the stuff they'd taught us in high school about voting - there's two styles to voting, you have to chose one of them. Of course, I was nervous that I might have been spotted by a local JW, but had no elders visits, so I guess I'm safe!

  • Mackin

    Hey Beck,

    I'm only just starting to figure out NZ politics. Aussie politics is a whole different ball game.

    My job has a kind of political connection, parliment being the lawmakers etc, so I do find that part quite interesting. But I don't have much time for the party political squabbling that goes on around election time.


  • ISP

    Well you bad boy!


  • ozziepost

    G'day Beck,

    "Where to start"? Mrs Ozzie likes Natasha.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Hello Ozzie

    "Where to start"? Mrs Ozzie likes Natasha.

    Natasha? Does she sing with Destiny's Child? LOL - I'm such a political infant, gotta start on the milk here

    Whatever happened to Winston?


  • ozziepost

    Winston??????? Wasn't he a dog?


    Freedom means not having to wear a tie.

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