Martha Poll

by Derrick 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dismembered

    Guilty, her pompous attitude sucks. I hope she goes broke, i'm sick of her face

  • Derrick

    Would any Martha Poll takers past or about-to-vote change their vote or comments, IF they learned she was a JW?

    The question is simply rhetorical, read nothing more into it.


  • jozb5

    I like Martha. I don't understand why so many people have such disdain for her. I like her show, books and magazines, because she and her staff comes up with some pretty cute stuff that I can do.

    Look I'm a stay at home mother with little money because of where I live and I have used her ideas and pointers to decorate my house for the holidays when I had barely enough money to buy presents. Those things that I made by hand I cherish more than anything I had bought. And she has a righteous recipe for Thanksgiving turkey that my hubby loves.

    I think Martha made a big mistake and being that she was a trained stock broker, she knew better and she should have to pay for that mistake like anyone else but I will never understand the snide remarks and hate that people have for her.


  • freeman


    All she had to do was fill out one single form, a form of intent to sell. If she did this she would be home free. Even Bush and Cheney filled out theirs, thats why they were found without fault after several investigations over and over again (not that you would know that from the way the news slants it, but in reality they did nothing wrong).

    In Marthas case she was a licensed broker and she knew the rules, and the rules are that if she trades on so-called insider info she has to disclose it so as to let other people not privy to that same info have a fair chance at getting out before the stock tanks. IMO Martha needs to see a little jail time like the rest of us would if we did the same thing.


  • Derrick

    jozb5: I like Martha. I don't understand why so many people have such disdain for her. I like her show, books and magazines, because she and her staff comes up with some pretty cute stuff that I can do.

    Look I'm a stay at home mother with little money because of where I live and I have used her ideas and pointers to decorate my house for the holidays when I had barely enough money to buy presents. Those things that I made by hand I cherish more than anything I had bought. And she has a righteous recipe for Thanksgiving turkey that my hubby loves.

    I think Martha made a big mistake and being that she was a trained stock broker, she knew better and she should have to pay for that mistake like anyone else but I will never understand the snide remarks and hate that people have for her.


    Hi Josie,

    I agree that she is a nice person who is very talented. Although I'm not really into the domestic thing (hint: I'm a man who tends to let the house go before letting guilt drive me into a cleaning binge), her shows are still fun to watch. She also has some remarkable taste for home furnishing (in classic comfy furnishings and rich tasteful color schemes), great culinary taste, and a nice likeable personality. She is a role model for sisters in various congregations I have attended, to the point where one might think she cloned herself and then her clones become JWs (ROTFLOL). Actually that is what inspired my question about whether everyone who took the survey would have gone more easy on her if she were a JW. I was trying to see how many are biased to Witness women who are Martha-types, IOW.

    Martha screwed up bigtime in not filling out that form someone mentioned. However, I seriously don't think she deserves to be airing her cooking and home shows in a prison jumpsuit from a prison mess hall. On the otherhand, if she is sent to prison, she will likely turn that prison into a Martha showcase with gourmet meals and well dressed beds. :-)

    I tend to believe that Martha's fall from the lofty pedestal of "perfection" will provide an important moral object-lesson to all. People find dishonesty in "little" matters too easy. Adding insult to injury is that those who believe rich people get preferential treatment in the United States seem to consider Martha as a sterling example. Perhaps our government will show the world we don't discriminate between the rich and poor, even if it means cuffing Martha during one of her Good Morning America shows and parading her before a media circus in a squad car from Manhattan island down to get a change of cloths and her photograph taken.

    I doubt anyone wants to see this happen to someone who has been such a sterling example for women around the world. What man wouldn't want a wife with her domestic talents and skills? (Sorry if that came across as demeaning, when in fact it was meant as the supreme compliment to those women who have mastered these skills. Even the Bible praises such women who can impeccably run a household.)


  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    guilty. how could a woman so adept at handling even the smallest minutiae of everything in her life to perfection not know anything? plus i think a little jail time would benefit her enormously...

  • morrisamb

    Innocent until proven guilty...

    I have absolutely no talent in the kitchen or in decorating but I think she is a genious.
    When I watch her show (seldom as that may be) I feel like I'm watching a comedy. Especially the one with her air-conditioned chicken coop painted just the right colour!

    I saw a show in Toronto five years ago, something about 32 different Martha Stewarts or something. It was quite funny and they ripped her apart.

    I still don't dislike her and I hope she is proven innocent.

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango


    she annoys the hell out of me but she has some good (not to mention STOLEN!!) ideas sometimes.

  • expatbrit

    Martha Stewart is the King of the North. She is rampaging on to her fate, an eternity in a fiery gehenna of saccharine decor.


  • gravedancer

    Caught with her cookie in the handjar

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