Sept. Magazines Ridiculous Quotes

by Sirona 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sirona

    Hi All

    On reading the September issues of Watchtower and awake, I had a good laugh at the hypocrisy that leaped out at me.

    Awake Sept 8th 2002 :"To believe that numerological interpretations are accurate, when they are based upon such widely variable factors as calendar and language, is to stretch the limits of credibility to an absurd degree."

    Considering the amount of ridiculous number crunching done by the society, how amazing that they print that statement! If I remember rightly 607 date is based on an interpretation of calendar dates and the 'language' of the bible (which they always manage to skew to their doctrine). This article was about numerology so it appears the society thought it OK to tell people not to use numbers to divine, when actually the Watchtower has used numbers to divine when Armageddon would be here. Watchtower...does 1914, 1925, 1975, "during the 20th Century" and other numerical predictions spring to mind here?

    How about the "anointed ones" being Saints?

    Watchtower September 15 2002: "Jehovah God himself has carefully chosen these men and women. Moreover, they have served faithfully on earth, facing practically every problem experienced by humans. (1 Corinithians 10:13) We can be confident, therefore, that these resurrected holy ones, or saints, will be merciful and understanding rulers, taking into account our weaknesses and limitations"

    (bold added) I just find this to be the utmost in arrogance. Talk about elevating oneself!

    I could probably go on forever, but I just thought that these two quotes were sufficient to show that the Gov. Body are not the meek, truthful, humble men that Jws think they are!!!!!!


  • Grunt

    I think the names these humble brothers give themselves and the Other Sheep, are pretty indicative of their attitudes:

    1. Other Sheep
    2. Famine Stricken Egyptians who sold themselves to Joseph
    3. Hobab (brother-in-law of Moses)
    4. Strangers within the gates of the organization
    5. Rechabites
    6. Sons of non-Israelite servants of Solomon
    7. Nethinim
    8. Foreigners who prayed toward Jehovah's temple
    9. Naaman, cleansed of leprorsy
    10. Jehonadab
    11. Repentant Ninevites
    12. Ebed-melech the Ethiopian
    13. Queen of Sheba
    14. Lot and his daughters
    15. Mixed company that left Egypt with Israel
    16. Alien residents in Israel
    17. Gibeonites who sought peace with Israel (cursed people, and a slaves position)
    18. Foreigners who fought along with David
    19. Rahab of Jericho
    20. Strangers that shepherd Israels flocks,
    21. Foreigners that are its farmers and vinedressers
    22. "Sheep" who do good to Kings brothers
    23. Ten men who take hold of skirt of a Jew
    24. Nations that come out of darkness
    25. Persons who exercise faith in Christ and "never die at all"

    Terms for the Anointed
    1. Big Trees of Rightousness
    2. Davids Israelite warriors
    3. light of the nations
    4. the host of heaven
    5. Jehovahs people in the new covenant
    6. Jeremiah
    7. the host of heaven
    8. they that are wise
    9. Jonah
    10. apple of Jehovahs eye
    11. Joshua the high priest
    12. sons of the kingdom
    13. chosen ones
    14. eagles
    15. brothers of the king
    16. older brother of the prodigal
    17. royal palace of David
    18. heirs with Christ
    19. the remnant
    20. holy ones
    21. saints (holy ones of saints)
    22. temple
    23. new creation
    24. ambassadors for Christ
    25. congregation of God
    26. Israel of God
    27. body of Christ
    28. soldiers of Christ Jesus
    29. house built by Christ
    30. holy priesthood
    31. holy nation
    32. association of brothers
    33. spiritual Israel
    34. trees of life
    35. the bride of Christ
    36. angels sent to Lot
    37. Jehovahs witnesses

    The last one kind of puzzles me, as it would seem to say the Other Sheep are not REALLY "Jehovah's Witnesses." I pulled this from the WT CD a long time ago, maybe things have changed, they often do.


  • RR

    Actually, the term "Jehovah's witness" was at one time applied ONLY to the anointed ones. I knew a sisiter who lived during those early years of the 1930s and she told me they would separate one group from the other in the same room, this side for anointed that side for the other sheep.

    In fact, up until the 1950's the term "Jehovah's witnesses, was still applied to just the anointed, then they changed it to apply to all members, and gave it the capital "W".

    Before that time, the conventions would be advertised as "Jehovah's witnesses AND their companions." Referring to the "other sheep" or earthly class.

    Edited by - RR on 4 August 2002 9:52:31

    Edited by - RR on 4 August 2002 9:53:17

  • Wolfgirl

    Oh brother. Those are some ridiculous quotes, alright. I thought JWs didn't believe in saints. That's what I always was told. *scratches head in confusion* And the number crunching one is just plain stupid.

  • ErieGuy


    Your excellent point that the label "Jehovah's witnesses" was for nearly 2 decades NOT applied to what is NOW 99.99% of "Jehovah's Witnesses is a point that is not made frequently enough on this forum.__________

    Few of today's JWs know this, and even fewer recognize the scriptural significance of that fact, as well as OTHER RELATED FACTS:_______

    1.___JWs long ago stopped baptizing in the "name of the Holy Spirit", since it is presumed no newly baptized person can be "annointed".________

    2.___ At what is ludicrously labeled an annual celebration of the "memorial" of Christ's sacrifice, each and every one of those 99.99% of JWs accept the very emblems of Christ's sacrifice into their own hands, and what do they do (???), THEY ACTIVELY REJECT CHRIST'S SACRIFICE by refusing to partake of such emblems, thereby rejecting the covenant (contract) which Jesus made with the Christian community.________

    WHERE in the Bible is it ever so much as hinted at that Christians would STOP being baptized in the name of the Holy Spirit, or would STOP annually renewing the "christian contract"?________

    A good argument could be made that the "JW Memorial" is actually a "satanic celebration", which serves no legitimate purpose other than for "anti-christs" to gather together to intentionally reject Christ's sacrifice. After all, JWs go out of their way to make absolutely sure that each and every person attending their "Memorial" has each of the emblems in his/her exclusive control at some point in the ceremony. That way every person attending makes a conscious decision to NOT partake of Christ's blood and body, and thereby REJECT every Christ stands for.

    Edited by - ErieGuy on 4 August 2002 11:6:31

  • Dizzy Cat
    Dizzy Cat

    It really makes me laugh about the anointed class. Having known one of these individuals and heard many tales of her little adventures, I can only draw the conclusion that she was as mad as a hatter and severly deluded.

    As for having faced practically every problem faced by humans? How many of you guys who have known these people, have seen them lorded over in the congregation and worshipped almost? Given the best comforts that brothers can afford etc etc ...

    I know people who have gone through hell and are more deserving of praise than these sweet, sweet, fools. People who the body of the truth wouldn't pass water over.

    Gah !

  • Sentinel

    Hi Sirona,

    I really enjoyed your post. Great points.

    I mean REALLY, doesn't anyone in the borg "review" the material before it goes to print, or are there so many "lightbulbs" going off as to "new light", that it's anything goes!

    Since my mom absolutely believes everything they print, as do many others, no wonder the incidents of migraines is increasing!

    Makes my stinger come out.


  • JanH


    In fact, up until the 1950's the term "Jehovah's witnesses, was still applied to just the anointed, then they changed it to apply to all members, and gave it the capital "W".

    Correct, except that the capital W came much later.

    From Lynn D. Newton's Theocratese Dictionary:

    Until 1976 `witnesses' appeared in "The Watchtower" in lower case. Then in the April 1st issue, for what was apparently the first time, it appeared as `Witnesses', in upper case, in the third item under "Insight on the News". However, the change to upper case did not find its way into the blurb explaining the purpose of the magazine on the inside cover until the August 15, 1976 issue.

    I don't think the change was ever explained. Probably for legal reasons.

    - Jan

  • sunshineToo

    Sirona, I felt the same way when I saw those mags. I think the WTS think all publishers are not smart enough to connect the dots.

  • Francois


    I know bullshit when I see it, and I see it.

    Down-right, low-down, mote-loving, toad-sucking, Jehovah's Witness PIG-DOGS!!!!

    yay us, boo y'all.

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