How Time Flies!

by BeautifulGarbage 8 Replies latest jw experiences

  • BeautifulGarbage

    I have been posting on this forum for a year now. "Only" 2000" were registered when I came here back in July 2001 after lurking for a few months. I was using another name at that time.

    My first post was on the infamous "Noah's Ark" thread. I still marvel when I think about RedHorsewoman's figures about feed, room, and ummm...dung (not to be confused with "beetle") removal to completely debunk the possibility of such an event actually occurring.

    A few people know about "my story." I never sat down and shared the whole thing. It's just too complicated. What brought me here, however, was a few of my JW relatives finding me after decades of shunning. *I* wasn't personally shunned, my Mother was and I was ignored as part of the package. The 1981 thing. That is another long story that I have shared in bits and pieces on this forum. My family "left" when I was 10. Things should have been great, but because my Father was a heavy drinking alcoholic, with lunatic tendencies, my life, and that of my siblings, were lived constantly on the edge.

    I've shared a few those experiences here.

    Suffice to say that if I lined up all those experiences, shared and unshared, in a row, I should be in a padded cell, put away, never to be heard from again. Yet, I'm not. I'm a happily married housewife with two kids. Life ain't always grand, but I like to think I have been able to piece together something worthwhile and meaningful.

    My Father is currently a JW after many years of being active and then inactive. Right now, as far as I know, he is active. I have not spoken to him in over a year for non-jw reasons. I cannot blame the WTS for the destruction of my immediate family. However, my extended family is another story. Many of those I was close to growing up.

    I remember when I realized my family could now be "normal." Or rather, not be JW's. I felt such a relief. I never wanted to talk anything Watchtower again. I didn't have to live with my impending death "any time now" because of my secret desire to attend a schoolmates birthday party, or because I gratefully accepted those tiny cards kids exchange at school on Valentine's Day. The stress between my Father's maniacal temperament and my "death wishes" actually took a toll on my physical health.

    So when we left, I bolted. I never spoke of my families affiliation with the WTS with other kids. Fitting in is difficult enough without displaying the JW tattoo on my gums. I ran far away and my WTS memories were safely locked away, hopefully to be forever forgotten. For the most part, they were.

    So, I fast forward to my JW relatives finding "us." For me, the WTS was another oddball religion with strange beliefs. Yet, they were harmless. I soon found out otherwise. I found site after site with sad stories of destruction. I couldn't stop reading. The feelings of shock and anger washed over me. Through Freeminds I found this Discussion Board. So many that I could relate to. They spoke my unique dialect.

    So, it's been a year. I have had exchanges with so many great people. A few not so great, but that is life! The personality board has changed somewhat as more newbies register and some "oldies" fade. Though, I find the core is still the same. The support, the debates, and the wars (not many of those these days, thank goodness!).

    I know I have jumped around with this. I hope it makes sense.

    Thanks to Simon, and his lovely wife, for all their hard work, and money, they put into this place. I like hanging out here.


  • Nikita

    Andee, I just wanted to say I enjoyed finding out a little more about you-although I am sorry for the experiences you went through to get here!


  • outoftheorg

    Hello B-G. I have not been here all that long. But the time did fly. Reading your bits of history and that of others and finding it not too different from my own has been the helpful thing I find here. Well one of the helpful things.

    Glad to hear that you are experiencing some contentment in life. That is I think, the goal we all strive for.

    Life when normal or close to it is still difficult and one does not need the crazyness of the wbts added to the mix of our lives.

    Here is to many more years of happiness and contentment for you and yours.

  • teenyuck

    Beautiful G,

    I have always enjoyed your postings. I came on board in late September after lurking for about 1 month. I am sad you were shunned. That is about the only thing that I do not have in common with you all. My mom has decided to not follow that directive. For that, I am glad.

    It is always moving to read the experiences that others have gone through. I have learned so much and I have turned into an advocate of knowledge. That means when someone tells me how nice the dubs are I now am armed to shoot those theories down.

    I am so glad for all the posters here and the information they have shared. Their research and their experiences have allowed me to take a stand.

    I am glad you signed on.

    Take care,


  • chester

    Hi Beautiful G

    Time sure does fly. I have been posting here since April of 2001 after lurking for a few months.

    I too enjoy reading your posts as well as all of the others.

    I would like to take this opportunity to mention how things have changed for me since I first came here.

    When I first came here my wife had her head totally in the sand and I had to hide the fact that I was coming to this site. That has changed completely in the past six months. She now asks me, "What is happening on the board today?" I have to sign on and find out and tell her. She is as much interested as I am. This is a fascinating place. I tell her that it is better than a soap opera.

    She is not into computers so she does not come here and read on her own but she does listen when I read the stories and accounts that are posted here and she reads everything that I print out for her.

    Best Regards


  • BeautifulGarbage


    Andee, I just wanted to say I enjoyed finding out a little more about you-although I am sorry for the experiences you went through to get here!

    Thanks. I know that many people here have come through so much worse. Their determination and spirit inspire me.


    Life when normal or close to it is still difficult and one does not need the craziness of the wbts added to the mix of our lives.

    Absolutely! Except for my childhood, and shunning by relatives after 1981, the WTS had relatively little influence in my life. There were somethings. For instance, we began to "celebrate" xmas when I was 10. That first one consisted for a few gifts stuff in brown paper bags. Still, I was overjoyed. Throughout the years, though, my Dad would never allow us to get a Xmas tree. He would rationalize that we "just exchanging" gifts and "just" happen to be doing it on the day that everyone else does. He still, for the most part, believed in the WTS doctrines.

    Even with absence of the WTS, our family life was still insane. Worldly people even have crap! I am the eldest of three children. And ALL of us have been hospitalized for depression, drugs and alcohol use (not me, I'm a teetotaler), eating disorders. My youngest brother struggles with mental illness. I know the most of it is a result of our crazy upbringing.

    Here is to many more years of happiness and contentment for you and yours.

    What a lovely thing to write! Thank you!


    I am so glad for all the posters here and the information they have shared. Their research and their experiences have allowed me to take a stand.

    I have followed the saga with your Mom. It must be frustrating. My Mom always hated being a JW. She went along to keep my Dad happy. My grandmother brought the family in when she was 5. Even though my JW Grandmother was a completely indoctrinated zealot, she NEVER shunned any of her children. Even when my Aunt, her daughter was DF'd. That is why I sometimes vacillate between anger at the Org, and anger at my relatives. Some shun and some don't. So, some make the choice. I understand better, now, why they make that choice.

    Good for you and your stand. I have yet to see any of the JW relatives in person. Most contact has been by email. I have told myself that when the times comes when I see some of them face to face, I will not bring the subject of the Org up. But, if they do, the gloves come off.

    Thanks for the kind words.


    She is not into computers so she does not come here and read on her own but she does listen when I read the stories and accounts that are posted here and she reads everything that I print out for her.

    I have an Aunt that is like your wife. It was her DFing was the event that eventually split my extended family. This poor woman carried so much sadness and guilt. Because of writings found here and at Freeminds, that were printed off for her to read, she has made a wonderful transformation. She now understand that it was the WTS that destroyed her family, NOT HER.

    Best wishes to you and your wife!


  • Prisca

    I've enjoyed your posts and comments over the past year, BG, and I like you hanging around here also!

    Looking forward to another year of your company!

  • BeautifulGarbage

    Awww, thanks, Prisca.

    I know we don't always agree, but I certainly admire you unflinchingly expressing your opinions. Popular or not.

    To another year!


  • jack2


    Thank you for posting your personal experiences, and it's a compelling story indeed, as are so many that we read here.

    I too am looking forward to continuing to 'hang out' with you here. Take care!

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