96yr old Weds 35yr Cos he wants son after 30 girls

by ISP 11 Replies latest social relationships

  • ISP
    96-year-old marries in hope of son after 30 daughters

    A 96-year-old man has married for the eighth time in the hope of fathering a son after having 30 daughters.

    Dhanarup Sejuwal from western Nepal wants a male child to perform last rites and rituals after his death.

    He reportedly fears damnation if he does not produce a son for the purpose.

    The man from Surkhet married 35-year-old Sunpura after the death of his seventh wife, reports the Kathmandu Post.

    A resident of the same village, known only by his first name Neupane, said the pensioner was still "active and robust".

    He told the Kathmandu Post: "All his seven earlier wives have already died but without giving any birth to any son".

    The newspaper reports his new bride, from the Dailekh district, "felt proud to be the wife of a man who had nearly passed a century".

  • plmkrzy
    wants a male child to perform last rites and rituals after his death.

    Ok so say he has a son next year.

    and he lives another 4 years.

    A three year old is going to perform last rights?

  • LittleToe

    The guy should face facts - he's firing "X"'s.

    Facial hair poll: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=33229&site=3

  • Beck_Melbourne
    "All his seven earlier wives have already died but without giving any birth to any son".

    I am suspicious - I smell something fishy!!


  • minimus

    I heard from a very reliable source that this man is the newest invited member of the governing body.Brother Henschel felt that they needed a representative from India.

  • Elsewhere

    Doesn't he understand that it is HIS sperm that is resulting in the female gender of his children?

  • The Alchemist
    The Alchemist

    I have had only daughters. So you mean to tell me I got another 50 years of trying? Ye ha!

  • teenyuck

    Why would a 35 yr old marry an old 96 year old?!

    They must be dubs....no more men of marrying age.


    This is worse than Anna Nicole. At least the old guy she wed had running water. EEWW!

  • Dino

    On top of that, he's probably dead broke paying out 30 dowries!

    Edited by - Dino on 2 August 2002 11:15:41

  • queer_reality

    puffsrule writes:
    Why would a 35 yr old marry an old 96 year old?!

    My mama often told me that I should marry a rich man who has one foot in the grave and the other foot on a bannana peel.

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