What is their position on IVF?

by voodoo lady 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    Disfellowshipping offense. Its considered immoral. also because several eggs could be fertilized to make them viable, they would consider the aborted fertilized eggs to be wrong as well.

    So IVF. You thought it was using modern science to help have a child when you need a little extra help in order to bring life and love into the world right?

    Nope. Its an immoral, masturbatory act of murder most foul.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    There is a supplement called Arginine which increases sperm count. You can read about it here:


  • Viviane
    If you believe the Adam and Eve story to be true, the entire human population is the product of incest... soooo..

    Wouldn't that actually be a really weird and fun form of masturbation? Basically, Adam farked himself?

  • voodoo lady
    voodoo lady

    DarioKehl - The masturbation component didn't even occur to me! Is there a loophole if the semen is intended to create a life, rather than to be spilled out onto the ground?

    problemaddict 2 - You have an excellent point there. Would it be permissible if only one egg was fertilized? I know that the intention would be to harvest as many eggs as possible.

    A (non-JW) friend of mine recently became pregnant with IVF, using a donor. She had two eggs harvested (that was the most they could collect from her) - both were fertilized, one implanted in her and the other frozen. I remember thinking that the one "in the bank" may never be used. That's when it occurred to me that fundamentalists and the pro-life movement would surely disapprove.

    What if a JW gave very specific direction that only one egg be harvested, therefore avoiding multiple fertilization?

    And, could a single woman store her eggs for potential fertilization later on with a husband's sperm?

  • bafh
    "In a variation that some term 'embryo adoption,' the embryos placed in a wife's womb involve neither her eggs nor her husband's sperm.

    How is this any different than actual adoption of a baby unrelated to the parents? These kinds of nit picky rule making is so ridiculous.


  • smiddy


    ,Where does the Bible comment , let alone condemn , the "sin" ? of masturbation ?

    Surely it has to be recognized that this is a practice that has gone on since Adam was a man with no wife , and once Eve came on the scene , she would have experimented with it also .

    It`s human nature.....Sometimes needs get the best of you .

    ,A saying I used to have in my youth , anybody who said they did`nt masturbate was a liar and anybody who admitted to it was a fool .


  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    I am beginning to see the point here. Yes there is clear direction in the Hebrew Scriptures on the matter. I need to have a think about this.

    Pass me the peg, I need to go into the yard for a shit.

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