"We Already Forgive Him" - What Does That Mean?

by cofty 111 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bafh

    I've been thinking about this more and I have come to the conclusion that I think the Bible discusses two types of forgiveness:

    Divine/Moral: Bestowed upon humans by God for sins they commit. This forgiveness is given to humans for the benefit of the individual receiving the forgiveness and is realized inside of the moral/spiritual structure outlined in the scriptures. Scriptural references: Law given to Israel, Acts 3:19, etc.

    Human: Bestowed upon humans by other humans for real or imagined wrongs. This forgiveness is given to fellow humans for the benefit of the one doing the forgiving although it may lead to repentance, reconciliation a healed relationship. Scriptural references: Matt 5:39, Matt 18:22, etc.

  • rebel8

    Forgiveness is like forgiving a bank loan.

    • You have to be the bank in order to forgive it.
    • It means all is zeroed out, as though nothing further is owed to make it right.
    • It is a favorite of religious people who claim it makes you a better person. And they seem to seek opportunities to publicly 'forgive' criminals. (If you truly forgave them, you don't need accolades for it.)
    • They claim you need to do it for yourself, for your health and for your relationship with god.

    Acceptance is an entirely separate matter:

    • You do not have to forget or forgive. You can remember it and still move on, not focusing your energy on it.
    • You do need to do it for yourself, for your health.
    • You don't need accolades for doing it.

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