Help requested

by Kismet 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Here's copies of the 2 page insert for anyone that hasn't seen it yet. I just don't know which week of August it will be covered.

    Hope this helps.

    Had Enough

  • noidea

    Out of 14 paragraphs in the study article I counted at least 11 times where it said to refer to the Watchtower....hmmmmm maybe they are afraid that the scriptures they cited wouldn't be enough to convince the readers.

  • Southland

    Wasn't it circular logic to reference the Watchtower as an authority when they wrote this article?

  • blondie

    The August 2002 KM actually starts with the week of August 12. I will add this week and the week of August 5 after I find July. This will just contain the basic outline with a few points that I think illustrate the "control" factor.

    August 2002 KM Service Meeting Schedule

    Week Starting August 12

    13 minutes. Local announcements. Demonstrations of how to present current magazines (found on page 8 of the KM...word for word "suggestions". Opening statements, What do you think is the highest form of loyalty? Have you ever worried that mankind's pollution is out of control? Have you noticed that in many places neighbors don't know one another the way they used to? For many today, life is filled with you see the negative thread in these?) Each demonstration should show how to handle the conversation stopper--Why do you people call so often?

    20 minutes. Set Spiritual Goals...include motivating comments about regular pioneering and missionary and Bethel service (I guess they don't have the word yet).

    12 minutes. Local experiences....Have any Bible studies been started? If so, explain how or "reenact" one or two...

    Week Starting August 19

    12 minutes. Local announcements. Announce date of next special assembly day, and urge all to arrive early and be attentive during the entire program...

    15 minutes. What Holds Them Back (people at the door that is who refuse to talk to JWs). 4 categories: 1) Those apathetic toward religion, 2) Those with an emotional attachment to religious customs practiced by family, 3) Those uncomfortable talking about their beliefs because they have little Scriptural support for them, 4) Those prejudiced against us because of misleading comments made by opposers.

    18 minutes: Display Christian Loyalty When a Relative is Disfellowshipped (Paragraphs 1-8). To be handled by a well-qualified (this assumes there are not so qualified?) elder, using the questions provided (don't make up your own). Have each paragraph read aloud by a brother who is a capable reader.

    Week Starting August 26

    10 minutes. Local announcements. Encourage all publishers to include a scripture in their presentation.

    17 minutes. Be a Communicator (another article in the KM). Based also on material found in TMS guidebook on conversation skills. (Do many JWs have any conversation skills?)

    18 minutes. DF article paragraphs 9-14. Same instructions.

    Week Starting September 2

    10 minutes. Local announcements. Remind publishers to turn in field service reports for August.

    20 minutes. Prepare Before You Go. Good planning contributes to effectiveness in the ministry (notice what the real problem is from lack of response from people in the territory). 1) Obtain the literature, 2) Be sure to have sufficient house-to-house records and a pen or a pencil, 3) If you need transportation, make appropriate travel arrangements, 4) Think about the return visits you plan to make, 5) Prepare what you are going to say.

    15 minutes. Local needs (a real eye-opener as to the juicy issues behind the scenes of a congregation or Boy Are We Going to Get it Now).

  • blondie

    I will add my highlights from the upcoming WT study articles for August and September. Some of the more interesting experiences have been shared here, e.g., the sister with dementia who couldn't remember anything but "the truth" who studied with a nurse at her institution and the brothers and sisters who wore their good clothes to hike to the convention. There is a recap of the drama last year as well as other articles highlighting loyalty. The next 2 to 3 months will be very difficult to sit through.

  • Scully

    "18 minutes: Display Christian Loyalty When a Relative is Disfellowshipped (Paragraphs 1-8). To be handled by a well-qualified (this assumes there are not so qualified?) elder, using the questions provided (don't make up your own). Have each paragraph read aloud by a brother who is a capable reader."

    So, there are 14 paragraphs, (3&4 and 10&11 are considered as pairs). Twelve questions. All in 18 minutes per session over 2 weeks.

    Those are pretty efficient brainwashing sessions, aren't they?

    Love, Scully
    Watched the Simpsons' "Movementarians" episode last night Class

    Edited by - Scully on 31 July 2002 7:20:48

  • blondie

    True, Scully. But if you notice, there is a lot of material referenced in other publications that will be expected to be either discussed by the elder or the R&F will be expected to include it in their comments. I am looking forward to hearing how many people say, "The slave says," "the paragraph says," "the brothers say," compared to "the Bible says."

    You better be there or be square, Scully.

    And don't be late and be attentive (pay attention in other words and no sleeping).

  • blondie

    WT July 15, 2002

    Week of July 29-August 4, 2002

    FOLLOW THE ROYAL PATTERNDeuteronomy 17:18,19

    (Original words within quotes, mine within parentheses, paraphrasing without either)

    1. "You may hardly think of yourself as a king or a queen. What faithful Christian and student of the Bible would imagine himself or herself acting with royal authority (yes what faithful Christian would?!) like good Kings David, Josiah, Hezekiah or Jehoshaphat? Yet you can and should be like them in a one special way. What is that? And why should you want to be like them in that regard?"
    2. 2,3. Jehovah foresaw Israel would request a king and gave directions for that king at Deuteronomy 17:14-19. (Rarely does the WTS quote the complete scripture; a whole paragraph is devoted to the scripture quote but even still 3 ellipses are used.)
    1. King must make a personal copy of Bible writings of his time, read it daily, repeatedly. It was more than a memory exercise. To have Gods approval and develop and retain "the right heart attitude" and be a successful, insightful king, he needed to study these.

    3. David would have had to make a copy of the Pentateuch (Genesis through Deuteronomy). "Likely," the book of Job, Psalm 90 and 91, "probably" Joshua, Judges, Ruth.
    4. Jesus custom to go to synagogue weekly to hear the Scriptures read and commented on (why do JWs have to go 3 times weekly?). "More than that" on occasion Jesus publicly read and explained the Scriptures. Jesus familiarity with the scriptures (we should be familiar with the Bible like Jesus) can be seen in the use of the phrase "it is written" and his quoting from the Hebrew Scriptures 21 times.
    5. Jesus followed Psalm 1:1-3 and was not like the religious leaders mentioned at Matthew 23:2-4 (only a snippet quoted "seated themselves in the seat of Moses" but who ignored "the law of Jehovah"!" I wonder who they are comparing to the religious leaders?)
    6. Is Jesus discouraging Bible study at John 5:39, 40 (fully quoted)? "You are searching the Scriptures, because you think that by means of them you will have everlasting life; and these are the very ones that bear witness about me. And yet you do not want to come to me that you may have life." WTS says that Jesus listeners were insincere and inconstant; they refused to listen to the Scriptures; studying was of no use.
    7. How different with Jesus disciples! "Did not consider that search to be just one zealous burst of study for a few months or a year."
    8. "Clearly, then, careful study of Gods Word," "Jesus followed this pattern," "undertaking for those who will rule with Christ as kings in heaven," "just as necessary for all today who look forward to blessings on earth."

    10. "We can emphatically and honestly say that each true Christian should be making his or her own examination of the Bible." (Since the study articles in the WT are directed to already baptized JWs, what may this be implying?) Some in Pauls day had "slacked off in personal study" and had not pressed on to maturity. "How do I feel about personal study of Gods Word, whether I have been associated for a short while or for decades?"
    11. Develop a fondness for Gods Word; "regular, purposeful reflection" "no matter how long you have been a Christian." "Timothythis Christian elder was already servingPaul urged him to do his utmost. (even elders need counsel to do more and better Bible study!) "Clearly, doing your "utmost" involves good study habits."
    12. "Regularly set aside time," "whatever your honest response," "spending more," "getting up a bit earlier," skip one day a week from reading newspaper or watching news on television, that would mean 30 minutes a day, 25 hours a year!, (what number crunchers JWs are!)

  • How to make study easier and "more appealing." Goalsread entire Bible starting with 4 Gospels, then rest of Christian Greek Scriptures, then books of Moses and historical books. Experience of sister who keeps a tally of how many times she has read Bible (5 times). "And rather than read from a computer screen or printout, she had the Bible in her hands." (As if we are reading the Bible the way the early Christians didwhere is that scroll!)
  • Goal 2: Read selected material from WTS publicationsAll Scripture, Insight booksbefore reading selected Bible reading (yes, we cannot understand without the FDS!)
  • This paragraph has been commented on here on JWD. "So-called Bible scholars" "focus excessively on analyzing texts as if the Bible were of human origin"Other scholars give themselves over to word studiesmore involved in studying word origins and citing Hebrew and Greek meanings than in the import of Gods message." (Sounds like this writer never sat through one of Fred Franzs talks or studied one of his books.)
  • "Is it true that each Bible book has but one key point or is intended for one audience exclusively? (Huh? Did they establish this point in the article? I must have missed it.)

  • "Try to see details in their right relationships" (I thought detailed study was discouraged?) Ever hear these questions "What does this tell me about Jehovah? How does it bear on Gods purpose being carried out through his Kingdom?How can I use this information? Can I employ it in teaching or advising others based on the Scriptures?" (The pictures above show a man (no tie) reading the NWT surrounded by pictures of him studying with another man (no tie that is how you can tell), his family using a map (he and son have no ties on), and his training an older black woman in the ministry.
  • "Try to include these (insights) in upbuilding conversation with your family or others. If you do so at appropriate times and in a modest way." (I wonder what is considered appropriate and what is an immodest way?)
  • "Each time you read through a Bible book, you certainly glean new information (how is that possible without the help of the GB?)
  • "Take the time for deep study of the Bible"
  • (In days gone by, Bible study was more detailed and deep. I have seen a dumbing down of the publications over the last 20 years. Few JWs pre-study for the meetings (not even the Watchtower study) let alone look up the cited scriptures. Whether recent or long-time JWs, few can effectively explain their beliefs using the Bible. They have to have a publication to do it. JWs have to be counseled now to use their Bibles and many still dont in spite of the spoon-fed presentations in the Kingdom Ministry. The worst offenders are the elders. If they study anything, it is their secret book and the letters to the elders and not even then. They wait until a crisis presents itself and then they pull out these thingscertainly not the Bible. I wonder what the next 10 years will bring. Perhaps JWs will go back to the testimony card days when they handed a card to the householder to read. One older lady commented about this, "I thought JWs were deaf-mutes.")

    (BTW is there some big deal to being a Jedi Member!)

    Edited by - Blondie on 3 August 2002 9:53:20

  • blondie

    I must have killed this thread. It's like being at the KH.

  • Reborn2002

    Southland states:

    Wasn't it circular logic to reference the Watchtower as an authority when they wrote this article?

    But of course. The Watchtower Society uses circular reasoning in almost every article they write.

    You forget though, the Jehovah's Witnesses live by a different set of rules.

    Watchtower May 15 1933 pp. 154-155

    Surely Jehovah has an organization on earth, because everything with him is done orderly. For many years he has used the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society. There is but one class of people that are doing his work on earth today and these we call "the Society", acting under the direction of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society and putting forth the Watchtower publications.

    Watchtower November 1 1933 p.296

    As surely as Jehovah has an organization on the earth, just so surely he is feeding the members of that organization by the hand of Christ Jesus. The facts prove that he uses the Watchtower publications to bring these truth to attention of his remnant...

    Watchtower May 1 1964 p.277-8

    It is through the columns of The Watchtower that Jehovah provides direction and constant Scriptural counsel to his people, and it requires careful study and attention to details in order to apply this information, to get the full understanding of the principles involved, and to assure ourselves of right thinking on these matters.

    Watchtower June 1 1965 p.352

    In 1938 Jehovah revealed his correspondency to his servants and it was published in The Watchtower in a two-part article entitled "Organization."

    Watchtower October 1 1967 p.587

    Thus the Bible is an organizational book and belongs to the Christian congregation as an organization, not to individuals, regardless of how sincerely they may believe that they can interpret the Bible. For this reason the Bible cannot be properly understood without Jehovah's visible organization in mind.

    You Can Live Forever In Paradise on Earth (1982,1990) p.255

    Do not conclude that there are different roads, or ways, that you can follow to gain life in God's new system. There is only one. There was just one ark that survived the Flood, not a number of boats. And there will be only one organization--God's visible organization-- that will survive the fast-approaching "great tribulation." It is simply not true that all religions lead to the same goal... You must be a part of Jehovah's organization, doing God's will, in order to receive his blessing of everlasting life...

    The Watchtower magazine is God's mouthpiece, as the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is his sole organization on earth, which speaks for him.

    What other authority would you need?

    FUCK the Jehovah's Witness CULT.

    Edited by - Reborn2002 on 3 August 2002 18:59:34

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