Writing Better Letters

by metatron 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    No doubt you may be sickened by fawning, prepackaged press releases
    about JW's at conventions, that carefully sidestep the reality of
    being a Witness.

    Maybe you would like to write a letter to the editor? I encourage
    you to be very brief and stick to a single, clear subject. Such as:

    How do Jehovah's Witnesses view other people?

    Jehovah's Witnesses frequently appear at your door for a simple
    reason. They believe that, since you have not converted to their
    faith, you are wicked and God is going to kill you.(Watchtower 10/15
    1958 pg. 614-615).

    If you refuse to convert, God will execute your children also
    (Is The Bible Really the Word of God pg.95-97)- at Armageddon.

    Once you have been executed by God, your body will be eaten
    by birds to clean up the earth .(Watchtower 7/1 1967 pg. 408).

    In recent years, the Watchtower has tried to hide these horrific
    beliefs from the public. Yet, church literature sternly reminds
    Witnesses that those "facing annihilation ... include ... relatives,
    neighbors, workmates, schoolmates, and acquaintances." Witnesses who
    fail to cooperate with this message will be killed by God also. (Our
    Kingdom Ministry Sept. 2000 pg. 1).

    Having beliefs like these takes a toll. Jehovah's Witnesses are
    ordered not to cooperate with researchers who try to conduct
    surveys - which risk exposing problems like depression, suicide,
    or pedophilia to the outside world. (Our Kingdom Ministry, Jan. 2002
    pg. 3).

    If you are interested in Jehovah's Witnesses and their work,
    you might want to investigate the reality that exists behind
    their first appearance. The internet is a good place to start.


  • Celtic

    Excellent letter, specific, easy to identify fact from fiction, gets to the quick, like it, a lot.

    Need more like it.



  • libra_spirit

    Nice letter can I use this one?

    I have already failed to get one in our local paper, dealing with the practice of Shunning, and an old friend who died and no one went to the funeral or grieved him. Possibly I was trying too hard, I don't know. They didn't publish it however the gal who read it at the paper office cried after reading it.

    Nice job, did you have any success getting this one printed?

  • Mary

    Excellent points! But you forgot to mention that if you go to High School dances, Class Reunions, or see any of the Austin Power movies, you will most likely die at Armageddon for that too. This is what our last CO insinuated.......what a jerk.....

  • ashitaka

    I bookmarked this...good post.

  • Lapuce

    I would like to use this too even that I too am still a JW, but probally not for long the way its going, yes the elders came and visited me yesterday for a chat two of them of course, they sait that its normal to act the way I was of course my wife told them I'm on anti depressents due to them, anyways I would like to quote your letter and send it to a local paper if its ok with you as It would make me feel good....

    Did it have success???


  • abbagail

    Yes, metatron, I liked your letter also, clear, concise, step by step, especially the inclusion of specific scriptures AND the Society's Literature references. My only suggestion would be when mentioning the internet in the letter, to provide them with some specific links/URLs.

    Along with the others here I ask: Will you be writing OTHER letters on "specific" topics that we can use? Some of us are not so talented in being concise in our thoughts. I for one, when writing letters, always over-do it and cannot figure out how to cut-down or cut-out my lengthy ramblings.

    I know there are a LOT of smart people in this forum, and many have saved gobs of quotes from WT literature. Here's hoping when any of you/them have the time and/or inclination, more concise letters like metatron's can be posted here for our mutual use to our newspapers, media, etc.

    Such as clear-concise letters re:

    Pedophiles in congs
    GB cover-up of pedophiles, known since 1992 there was big problem in the org
    Two Witness rule cop-out
    Silencing of victims
    Df'ing of victim advocates

    Mind Control
    Lack of Freedom of Thought
    Questions not allowed of leadership or doctrine

    Incessant Change of doctrine to the point of outright confusion

    Blood Policy
    Change of Blood Policy

    Military Policy
    Change in Military Policy



  • metatron

    By all means, feel free to use it!

    Welcome to the Anti-Theocratic Ministry School!


  • abbagail

    Welcome to the Anti-Theocratic Ministry School!

    LOL! Ahhhh the never-ending supply of xJW WIT! Excellent!

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