Organization non-members ARE approved by God

by YoursChelbie 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • YoursChelbie


    Does the Bible contain accounts of persons who, while not active members of "organized" religion have God's appoval?

    If it does, this would contradict Watchtower teaching, since they often claim that anyone who's not a Baptized member of their organization will suffer destruction. Further they claim that only active members of their "organization" have God's approval.

    The Bible gives at least three examples of individuals that were approved by God while they were not active in any "organization."

    1. Rahab-- She saved herself from the destruction of Jericho along with members of her household. (Joshua 2 v 1-24, Joshua 6 v 1-25) God clearly approved of this person because of the good heart condition.
    2. The criminal impaled next to Jesus ---To this individual, Jesus said, "You will be with me in Paradise."(Luke 23 v 43) God clearly approved of this person because of the good heart condition.
    3. Cornelius--Even though he was not a Jewish proselyte, he made many gifts of mercy to the people and made supplications to God. (Acts 10 v 1-33)God clearly approved of this person because of the good heart condition.

    So, from these examples, the scriptures make quite clear the opposite of what the WTS would have many believe. The fact is that "God is not partial, but in every nation, the man [or woman, apparently] that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to Him." (Acts 10 v 34)


    If anybody has WT source material that supports any information here, that would be great.Thanks!

    Edited by - YoursChelbie on 28 July 2002 0:32:35

  • pomegranate

    Every single major prophet of God in the OT did it ALONE.

    Totally approved by God.

    One on one.

    I believe that's the way God likes it.

  • YoursChelbie

    There are also countless of people, Bill Bowen, Joe and Barbara Anderson come to mind, who have a clean conscience because of the stand they have taken for what is right.

    If they were to stay active in the WTS Organization and have to support the lies, by going door to door with these lies, they would not be true to themselves.

    Leaving the Watchtower doesn't mean a person is not close to God. On the contrary.

    If they want to be, they can. Just by the way they live their life every day.


  • searcher


    As you have pointed out, there are a lot of people in the Bible not in an org. but approved by God.

    I have looked hard in several versions of the Bible and no-where can I find reference to which org. Jesus belonged.

    On the other hand, if the JW's are right, and if God has always used an org. and if they believe in the Bible, and if the early church described in Acts was an org. they WHY don't the JW's do what the early church did as descrbed FULLY in Acts.. Namley SELL ALL THIER POSSESIONS AND HOLD THE MONEY IN COMMON?

    Are they afraid of the ANANIAS/SAPPHIRA syndrome, or would helping the poor take money away from the sale of books? OOPS my mistake, from the donations that some people make?


  • jgnat

    Ruth was a foreigner. She was not raised in the Jewish tradition. Ruth was therefore not part of the covenant Jehovah made with Isreal.

    Isrealites were warned about taking "foreign wives". In the latest WTS study of the book of Isaiah, much was made of Esau's marriage to foreign wives and Edom's subsequent hostility towards Isreal.

    Yet Ruth's offspring is part of the line of David, and according to WTS doctrine, Jesus is a direct descendant from this line.

  • jgnat

    I thought of another one. Jethro, Moses' father in law, a Midianite priest, advised Moses on how to set up a godly organization. Exodus 18:1, 2, 17, 25

  • ChristianObserver

    Hello Chelbie :o)

    Not an actual person, but used in a parable by Jesus as an example - the Good Samaritan. Note that the lawyer (who sought to trick Jesus), when asked by Jesus who was the neighbour, responded "He who showed mercy on him".

    He couldn't bring himself to admit that it was a SAMARITAN who were hated by the Jews. The parable was told in answer to the question "What do I have to do to receive eternal life?" The answer "Love God and your neighbour" - and put those commands into practice - illustrated by what would have been a *shocking* story to the audience - "What you mean not one of us?!! But we are God's chosen people? The Samaritans are not."

    Imo we are not viewed *collectively* - ie as an organisation - because for me the New Testament speaks clearly of a *personal salvation*. I think that the story of the Good Samaritan illustrates that admirably.

    I was once told by a Jehovah's Witness that Mother Teresa did not have the *truth* because she wore a cross, and her fate was sealed. I find this attitude of *knowing the mind of God* rather arrogant. If Mother Teresa's selfless life of feeding the hungry, tending the sick, visiting the destitute and those in prison, and witnessing to the needy etc is considered by Jehovah's Witnesses to be viewed by Jehovah to have been for nought because she wore a cross, then my idea of God as spoken of by Jesus is very different to their view of Jehovah.

    Jesus' portrayal of the Father in the parable of the prodigal son is of one who rushes with open arms to recieve and welcome any who turn to Him - and they aren't identified as a group.

    Just my 2 penn'orth Chelbie :o)

    PS - Jesus and the robbers were not *impaled*. This verb indicates something *transfixed* on a sharp object. Jesus was affixed with nails to a wooden implement of death - most likely a T shaped cross, the cross beam of which was carried to the site of execution where the uprights were already in place - which with the *titulus* affixed above His head according to the Gospel accounts, would give the impression of a + shape. He did not have a stake driven through his body as the verb *impale* indicates which was a method of execution used by many peoples. The WTBTS is incorrect in their use of the verb *impale* - imo - and in the opinion of the Oxford English Dictionary! :o)

  • You Know
    You Know

    You obviously haven't thought this through very far. Take the example of Rahab the prostitute. She was saved because she recognized that Jehovah was with the Israelites, and she acted accordingly. So really, it proves the opposite of what you imagine. Instead of Rahab's stance proving that God blesses individuals, it proves that Jehovah blesses those who recognize and support his organization.

    Same thing with the criminal. For one thing, that man was already a member of God's chosen race at that time by birth. So it wasn't like he was a Roman or Egyptian or something. But, when Messiah came to God's people they had to recognize him for who he was. The criminal did that, showing faith in God's anointed representative. And Jesus indicated to his disciples that everyone that recieved them would be receiving him and his Father too. So, again, rather than indicating what you suppose, it revelas the opposite. Namely that God only blesses those who receive his representatives.

    Cornelius: same thing. God's representative, Peter, was sent by an angel to Cornelius to explain Jehovah's provision of Christ. Cornelius was blessed because he welcomed and believed the one who was sent by Jehovah as a representative of the heavenly organization of spiritual Israel. If Cornelius would have refused to accept Peter and the Christian congregation there would have been no blessing from God. / You Know

  • Lieu

    Plenty of examples, some already mentioned like Ruth and then there is Rahab (neither were Israelites but both are in the ancestral line to Christ)

    The Best example is Job...a non-Isrealite.

    Another example is the man whom the Apostles tried to stop from expelling demons using Christ's name, simply because he was not accompanying them. Jesus told them to basically leave that man alone..."for he that is not against us is for us."

    At the start the disciples were like elistist thinking "you must be with us" group. Jesus had to 'correct' them so often for their lack of humility that they even began to irritate me reading abut it.

    From reading the Bible, I saw that the early disciples did not start on their journey to behaving Christ-like until AFTER recieving the Holy Spirit.

    *Really IMHO it isn't even important what Christ died affixed to...the fact that he died (was killed) the death of a criminal, for our sakes, is what's important.

  • musky

    You Know, Regarding your statement regarding the criminal. I believe you are placing the watchtower on the same level as Jesus Christ. You are assuming that God uses the watchtower today, As he used his own son while on the earth. YoursChelbie has simply stated that the criminal did not belong to any organization at the time , when Christ said he would be with him in paradise. Do you have proof that Jehovah uses the Watchtower in the same way he used his own son while on the earth? Musky

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