An Introduction

by Granny Linda 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Granny Linda
    Granny Linda


    After lurking around for some time decided to join. I've been df for 32 years...and glad for it.

    I'd pretty much laid the JW stuff to rest until last year when my older sister, after years of absence from my life, made comment to me about "struggling with the truth." I took it upon myself to begin some research and have been "hooked" on these type forums since.

    I've learned so much more about that filthy religion and the emotional fallout suffered by many. My history involved a great deal of mental illness and suicidal thinking. I'm glad that today I can truthfully say I'm no longer haunted by such thinking, but understand all too well the confusion and anguish many do suffer while coming to grips with that entire experience.

    I believe that no matter how long one has been "out" or, how our stories differ, each have something of value to offer. Thank you for being here for me.


  • Perry

    Welcome aboard Granny. Hope to hear more from you about your sister in time.

  • Mac

    Thank you, for being here for us. Welcome!

  • Celia

    Welcome Linda !

    Aren't you glad you have been Borg free for these last 32 years ! You say your sister told you she was "struggling with the truth". what were her questions, if I may ask ?

    Hope to read more from you in the future


  • DakotaRed

    Hello and welcome, Granny. You have come to a really good place full of exJW stories and support. I look forward to hearing about your stories.

    Lew W

    Watchtower Decruit

  • scootergirl

    Welcome Granny Linda!

    **will you be my grandma?**

  • onacruse

    Linda, welcome! You were df'd in 1970? Didn't the impending arrival of Armageddon in 1975 put any fear of God into you?


  • DanTheMan

    "struggling with the truth" -

    OH how Watchtowerspeak gags me now...

    Welcome granny!

  • maximumflash

    Welcome Granny Linda!!!!!!!!!!

    So glad you have joined the forum. I will be looking foward to your posts!!

  • Valis

    Welcome G...hope to hearing your full story soon.


    District Overbeer

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