by abbagail 6 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • abbagail

    Finally got away from JW-com to visit Silent Lambs and just saw this below post. It's stories like this that will keep us all fired up to write those letters!!! The dim-wittedness of this JW woman with the pedophile husband is enough to make you GET MAD & STAY MAD!!! So don't forget about writing those letters! /Grits
    ------------- (current guestbook)

    Date: 25 Jul 2002
    Time: 19:29:24

    Comments: I would like to congratulate you for your ability to speak the truth about child abuse. I have an Aunt who is a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses(convert) and she has two daughters who have both been victims of molestation by her second husband. One of her daughter's is her husband's own biological child. My aunt refuses to acknowledge fully the abuse...and remains married to this man because she says she cannot divorce him because of her faith. Her husband is not a babtised Witness...but has studied. My Aunt makes the majority of her decisions about her life based on what "Brother so and so" says is appropriate including her marriage. As a result of the sexual Aunt's youngest children were taken by SRS. A non-Witness baby sitter reported that my Aunt's 3 year old had blood on her underwear. SRS refused to return custody of the children until her husband had vacated the premises. He is currently in jail serving time for rape and other crimes. But my Aunt still remains his legal wife. She said that the elders of her congregation said that she can only divorce on the grounds of adultery and that "even if" she feels he's been unfaithful..."she must" have physical proof or the "two witnesses" rule I guess. When her husband was taken to court to answer for the rape of his own Aunt was called to testify by the District Attorney...she consulted with the elders first and informed me that she would refuse to testify "if" the elders said no. I was awestruck by this. How could a mother hesitate to protect her own children???!!! I studied with my Aunt for a year and a half with the Live For Ever in Paradise book. I never felt comfortable with the concept of being submissive or with the idea of turning my back on people who had treated me with kindness just because they are considered "worldly". I thought Jesus walked amongst and talked with everyone...including the wicked. When I refused to be baptized in the "truth" my Aunt didnt speak to me for almost two years. I'm a person who has never harmed a child, I don't smoke, I don't use illegal drugs, I don't have illicit sex, I don't use profanity and I've never commited any crimes...unlike my Aunt's husband...and I'm the one she doesn't associate with because I'm not in the "TRUTH." May you stay strong in your "TRUTH" to protect children from abuse!!! -Ranita Wilks ILS/Peer Counseling Specialist Lawrence, Kansas.


    Here's another one from Silent Lambs to tick you OFF!!!! (The Guestbook is a public site, so I'm thinking it's okay to post these here):

    Date: 26 Jul 2002
    Time: 04:10:16

    Comments: A few years back when I was still a JW an elder Wally Drurry gave a talk about child molestation in Fairview Conregation and warnd us that there is a sexual predator amoung us. He scared us all and played havock on us that had children because he did not reveal who the molester was. I worried a lot about my 4 children and eventualy asked him who that molester is. He would not say. The elders are guilthy and must be sued as well. My children enjoyed having friends over night and staying with others overnight in their homes. And inadvertedly sometimes in the house of that molester as I found out later . RMNK


    And here's all the threads that are currently active as of this posting, about writing letters:

    LuckyLucy has a thread going: Bill deserves more from us!!!

    Mary's Letter to GB:

    RubyTuesday has a thread going: Media Links (for NBC and MSNBC): <>;

    mikepence also has a thread going:Help to publicize the plight of Bowen

    OrangeFatCat has a thread going: Letters of Outrage to Governing Body:

    Amazing has a similar thread going also: Need Help - New JW Pedophile Project <>;

    And DakotaRed's letter to the WTS is located at:

    And MacHislopp scanned in an EXCELLENT run of all news reports and WT comments re: the Catholic Church's scandal over the past 10-15 years. We all should copy that list of remarks and attach it to our letters to WTS AND TO THE MEDIA so they can see what the WT has been saying all these years about the CC while covering up their own filthy sandbox. Mac's thread is here:

    YoursChelbie has a thread: Watchtower in NY By Law has to turn in Pedo-Files

    <p class="editedBy">Edited by - grits on 27 July 2002 6:35:43</p><p class="editedBy">Edited by - grits on 27 July 2002 12:33:18</p>

    Edited by - grits on 27 July 2002 12:38:9

  • Dia

    Thank you, thank you!

    I'm so happy to hear that her kids were taken away from her. Absolutely, the kids should be removed from households where a parent just stands by and lets it happen (at the behest of the WTS or not) - on the basis that those parents are 'mentally incompetent'.

    I hope things go well for those children. At the very least, they will know that society does NOT approve of their treatment and will do whatever it can to remedy it.

    Sometimes even that much can do a lot to carve a clear path into the confusion that the WTS loves to create.

    I'm starting to get replies from the media people I've contacted. Feels great.

  • searcher


    When her husband was taken to court to answer for the rape of his own daughter..

    If the man raped his own daughter then he had sexual knowledge of a female other than his wife.

    That is adultary.


  • abbagail

    Yes, searcher, it's so utterly ridiculous the reasoning of this JW woman's elders. How much more "proof of adultery" do you need than the fact the pervert was taken to court for his crimes! and went to jail! "Oh, I see, Bro. Elder, raping/molesting his own daughter is just a minor offense against a child, but does not constitute adultery against the wife? Oh, I see, I see. The wife should STAY MARRIED to this man. OK." -- NOT! That JW woman is obviously weak and in denial. She has BIG problems! Arrrggghhhh! Just reading this again gets me all bent out of shape!


  • abbagail

    If anyone visiting this thread wants to write the Governing Bugs about their ridiculous rules, here's their names and address:


    Write to the GB members individually c/o WTBTS, 124 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201.

    Carey W. Barber (1905-) ...he is called to the Brooklyn Bethel, to be a Governing Body member in the autumn of 1977. Source: w82 11/15 10-14 (French).

    John E. Barr (1913-) In September 1977 is called to the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses and from then on lives in the headquarters of the organization, in Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A.
    Source: w87 7/1 26-31 (French).

    Milton G. Henschel (1920-) On December 30, 1992 was selected to be the successor of Frederick W. Franz (who had died a week before, when he was 99 years old) in the Presidency of the Watchtower. Henschel was president of the Watchtower until October 7, 2000, when there was a reorganization in the leadership and Don Adams (not a Governing Body member) became the new President of the Watchtower. Sources: w77 7/1 394; yb80 112; w89 6/15 22; w89 9/1 26; w93 3/15 31 (French). -- Grits wonders: What is Henschel's status now? Is he dead?

    Samuel F. Herd (?-) On October 2, 1999, Samuel Herd was appointed to the Governing Body. He is the only Afro-American in the Governing Body. Source: w2000 1/1 29.

    Theodore Jaracz (1925-) On November 28, 1974, he was appointed to the Governing Body. Sources: w75 5/1 284; w77 2/1 95; w96 6/1 25; yb83 103-105 (French).

    M. Stephen Lett (?-) On October 2, 1999 was appointed to the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. Source: w2000 1/1 29.

    Gerrit Lsch (1940-) On July 1, 1994 he was appointed to the Governing Body.
    Source: w94 11/1 29 (French).

    Guy H. Pierce (?-) On October 2, 1999, Guy Pierce was appointed to the Governing Body. Source: w2000 1/1 29.

    Albert D. Schroeder (1911-) On December 18, 1974 Schroeder was appointed to the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. Sources: w83 3/1 10-17; w85 12/1 26 (French).

    David H. Splane (?-) In 1998 he was appointed "helper" of the Writing Committee.
    On October 2, 1999 he was appointed to the Governing Body. Source: w2000 1/1 29.

    Daniel Sydlik (1919-) On November 28, 1974, he was appointed to the Governing Body. Source: w85 6/1 21-26 (French).

    DECEASED GB Members
    Karl F. Klein (1906-2001) On November 28, 1974, he was appointed to the Governing Body. Died January 3, 2001. Source: w85 5/1 20-27 (French).

    Lyman A. Swingle (1910-2001) On October 1, 1945 Swingle was elected to the Directors Board of the Watchtower. Around 1984 he was appointed secretary-treasurer of the Watch Tower Society of Pennsylvania and Watch Tower Society of New York. Died March 14, 2001. Sources: w84 5/15 24; jv91; yb81 188 (French).

  • Reborn2002

    Based on the provided birthdates of most members of the Governing Body listed, it wont be long before the geriatric, bedpan-using shitheads will be dead.

    I wonder what scriptural spin the WTS will provide when all of them are deceased, and their precious End has not come?

    Edited by - Reborn2002 on 29 July 2002 22:31:3

  • abbagail

    Reborn pondered: "I wonder what scriptural spin the WTS will provide when all of them are deceased, and their precious End has not come?"

    Hi Reborn... how's about this one for starters...

    1 Corinthians 15:51: Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed-- 52in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

    In other words, the "kings" will go their way without us, newer younger GB'ers will be set in their positions, and the Time-of-The-End-Saga will continue...

    I'm sure they'll spin a new twist on some old favorite scriptures to show that NONE of the anointed were EVER supposed to be alive when The End Comes (new light even still), and the Next Generation-X of GB'ers are to lead us into the Promised Land; i.e., the now dead GB/anointed, like Moses who "sinned," were not allowed to lead the crowds into the Promised Land; but Caleb (the newer younger GB'ers) are the ones who, all along, were supposed to lead us in.

    Sounds good, eh? Maybe I should send 'em this idea for future reference... ;-)

    Now when the NEXT generation of GB's dies off... Hmmm...


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