The Advent Of The 'Net

by Larry 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Larry

    In reading many on-line post by Ex-Jws since 1997 I have to admit that I never knew there were so many people who were DfD / DaD before the computer age. You guys have my deepest respect. The reason being - You didnt have a support group like this one to fall back on - You guys were on a solo mission. That took real courage - I salute you.

    I think I was part of the first generation of disappointed JW on-line. Once I came on-line and discovered that many folks had the same doubts as me I was elated! Thats when my transformation started. The support was grandiose. In fact, I have to admit being here really helped me resign as an Elder and finally leave the Borg, since I dared not share my views with anybody but my new on-line association. My wife didnt even know what I was going through - out of fear of losing her, but things worked out perfectly.

    I stopped posting on the previous Ex-Jw web site (H2o) and this site for a while b/c it wasnt the same. Originally, it was all about expressing feelings, doubts, and sincerity. Then it became, to a degree, a personal battle ground between Ex-Jws with the a JW mentality and lurking JWs with a worldly disposition. I think much time was wasted in frivolity. In any event, the sites has definitely served its purpose, and Im grateful for that. In fact, this site is becoming like it was in its infancy stages. Ive seen a tremendous increase of participation since the Dateline and other exposes - folks are coming out and opening their eyes!

    I guess the purpose of the message is to thank the many web-sites that have provided a network of support for JWs who are ready or even thinking of leaving the Borg. With the advent of the Net many doubters are finding the strength needed to leave the Borg. We all know there are so many JWs that want to leave but feel they have no where to go. Hopefully, in time they will discover these sites and see the light :)

    Keep up the excellent works folks, your work is not in vain.

    Peace - Larry :)

  • Simon

    I have thought for a while now that while essays and debates about doctrines are interesting and very valuable, their main use seems to be to confirm that leaving was 'right' and that it isn't 'the truth'. Often though, people first start questioning things because of personal experiences of injustice or wrongs in the WTS and what actually helps people to leave though is having some support - I know in our own case that being able to make some acquaintances (now friends) online who understood what we were going through was invaluable. Without this, leaving would have been a very difficult and lonely process.

    Participating online more has also affected me in real life too as I find I can talk more easily to people now (I used to find social occassions very difficult) so I've also made more friends.

    I can imagine how difficult leaving would have been years ago ... few ways to get in touch with other people and no one who really understands. It is much easier now.

    Someone else posted about how DF'ing seems to becoming less and less powerful and will soon be a museum piece - perhaps this is why?

  • abbagail

    Nice sentiments expressed there Larry! and Simon, too!

    I think the recent bonding by most all forum members/visitors is due to rallying up in unison over the pedophile issue. We were all well trained to focus on a cause, eh? Now our "training" can be used "right back at 'cha WTS."

    And, yes, Simon, the thread you are thinking of, I think, is the one called: DF'ing, Where Is Thy Sting? -- which was a brillant and clever take on 1 Cor. 15:55. (Like I always say, the Word of God is ALIVE in more ways than ONE interpretation!) ;)


  • Francois

    One of the most telling phenomena catalyzed by this and other ex-JW boards in the fact that groups of individuals are now getting together to attend the Apostofests in one place or another. There was one in England recently which had people from the US of A going over for the week and partying down with the group in the Septered Isle.

    As time goes by, more and more of these seem to be popping up.

    There is an Apostofest scheduled for January in Canberra, Oz and I'm hoping to have my situation in the states such that I can go down there for at least three or four weeks.

    These connections are beautiful to behold, even if your "beholding" is accomplished via photos of the event, and you can't be there yourself. I don't know if I'll make it to Oz in January, but I want to be at an Apostofest somewhere soon. This is a great development IMHO.

    When I left in around 1976, nothing like this was even a glint in anyone's eyes. It was very difficult and emotionally draining. But I would have died rather than go back to the arms of that religious cult, and I lost the association of practically my entire family. Most of them are still gone.

    My friends are my family now. So meeting new folks at Apostofests is a great way to grow my family.


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