Why I find Jehovah's Witnesses Despicable

by Mindchild 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mindchild

    Wednesday morning, the doorbell rings right in the middle of my cooking breakfast. I open the door to find two gray-haired men wearing white shirts and ties, trying to hand me the latest copies of the Watchtower and Awake magazines.

    This is the actual conversation that followed:

    Witness One: Good Morning, we have stopped by your house today to share some good news with you and

    Skipper: It is not a good morning and you have some nerve coming to my door!

    Witness One: Why is that?

    Skipper: Didnt you see Dateline? Your organization allows the exploitation of children and shelters pedophiles!

    Witness One: I didnt see the show but I know it is all lies.

    Witness Two: This Dateline program is all the work of people who are trying to give Jehovahs Witnesses a bad name. In fact, I personally know one former ex-Jehovahs Witness that wrote a book called, My Thirty Years As a Watchtower Slave. I can assure you that none of these people on Dateline were real Jehovahs Witnesses and they are all apostates.

    Skipper: I dont believe you. Further, I watched your Watchtower legal representative get caught in a lie right on camera. On one hand they claim to let child abuse victims go to the police but in reality they say to deal with the matter privately and wait upon Jehovah. I think you should be ashamed of yourselves.

    Witness Two takes a printed slip out of the back of his Bible in reference to Dateline. He wants to read it to me.

    Skipper: Im sorry to end this conversation here but talking to you is not worth burning my breakfast over. I have no use for your abusive organization and I need to go.

    Witness two looks at Witness one and shrugs his shoulders and they both leave.

    A few moments later my ex-JW housemate wakes up and asks who was at the door. I said a couple of dubs. She tells me, I want a turn with them. She runs out the door but they jumped in their car and took off. I guess they didnt want to get ate for breakfast!

    Im through being nice to dubs who come to my door! Even if Silent Lambs never brought the Watchtowers shameful behavior to public view and if our lives were not so screwed up from our personal dealings with the Borg, I still feel this religion is truly evil.

    As the Witnesses engage in repeated and prolonged evangelism, it proves that they place NO value on my beliefs that they dont even acknowledge that there is a value in my beliefs for ME, even if they dont accept those beliefs themselves. In the most fundamental form this demonstrates the grossest disrespect they can show for my beliefs. They have a purposeful and intentional goal of destroying my beliefs and my worldview and replacing them with their own warped cultish version of reality. It really is a form of mental genocide, except that instead of killing people, they are trying to kill the mental world, lifestyle, religion, and personal history of anyone who isnt already infected with their mind virus. It is a truly despicable form of behavior.

    Besides that the dipshits made me burn the eggs!

    Kind Regards,


  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    why does this make me think of thing 1 and thing 2 from the cat in the hat?

    they have prepared statements now? scary. i almost wish i could go to the kingdom hall as a "new study" and spy on them, just to hear firsthand what they're up to now... i might do that go undercover

  • TheStar

    Minchild!!!!! I have missed you around here. You probably don't even remember me but I remember how much I enjoyed reading your posts when I first started posting here. It's so good to see you man!

    What a post! Gone for a while and come back with a bang! I couldn't agree more with what you've said...and this paragraph:

    As the Witnesses engage in repeated and prolonged evangelism, it proves that they place NO value on my beliefs that they dont even acknowledge that there is a value in my beliefs for ME, even if they dont accept those beliefs themselves. In the most fundamental form this demonstrates the grossest disrespect they can show for my beliefs. They have a purposeful and intentional goal of destroying my beliefs and my worldview and replacing them with their own warped cultish version of reality. It really is a form of mental genocide, except that instead of killing people, they are trying to kill the mental world, lifestyle, religion, and personal history of anyone who isnt already infected with their mind virus. It is a truly despicable form of behavior.

    Those are thoughts I, myself, have been trying to find the way to express and you've hit it right on the nail.

    Skipper: Im sorry to end this conversation here but talking to you is not worth burning my breakfast over. I have no use for your abusive organization and I need to go.

    LOL! I love it!

    So good to hear from you Mindchild, hope you won't be a stranger!

  • Dia

    Thanks for sharing that Skipper.

    I fully intend to share in your very vocal response to JWs who come to my door.

    It has occured to me to create a stack of anti-JW 'leaflets' for myself. And when they visit, I will let them know how happy I am that they caught me at home, because I fully intend to follow them.

    And now that they have made it legal for ANYONE to go door-to-door, I have every right to do so, leaving my free leaflets at every single place they visit.

    Like I've said, EVERY JW that I encounter will know that I believe every one of them to be either stupid, or a criminal. And they will know that I will NOT support them in ANY fashion as they self-righteously harbor and embrace criminals in their midst - and then have the nerve to send them to my house, too!!!

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    I fully intend to share in your very vocal response to JWs who come to my door.

    me too. i'm tired of being nice to these a$$@#@#s. think about it. why should we be nice to them? why should they enjoy that privilege when they are active practitioners in an organization that victimizes so many? that ignorant, innocent act gets old real fast... they need to hear the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth... as one of the "hazards" of going door-to-door and intruding on the lives of others.

  • nowaytess

    I am curious what was on the prineted slip in the back of the JWS bible.

    I am wondering is it a prepared statement the Wt has given them to tell (more likely how many JWS can think up something that outragues for themselves) or was it his own personal words?

  • Fredhall


    I hope you have a good breakfast.

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    That was good really good!

    I like the way you handled them at the door, truly very pointed and no beating around the bush.

  • Scully

    Hey Skipper!

    You've been missed!

    Wish I could have seen you in action. Great idea to give them a dose of righteous indignation. And SHAME on them for being the cause of your burned breakfast! B@$t@rd$!!

    Love, Scully


    Hey Skipper,good post.So where have you been?Nice to see you back...OUTLAW

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