DFing: Where is thy sting?

by roykaye 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • roykaye

    Hi ...I read that Newsday report on Bill Bowen's DFing. I was surprised that I was more amused by the antics of the "three wise men" than saddened by their action. I think disfellowshipping has become to me like an excavated statue of Molech. Centuries ago it was fearsome diety which incinerated children. Today it is nothing more than a museum piece to to glanced at and move on to the next exhibit.

    I think for many of us -- whether in the Organisation, or out or like me inbetween -- we have lost the fear of being disfellowshipped. It was something we feared at one time. It does not matter anymore, as long as your family and immediate friends are with you. The rest can go to hell. But I guess those who go it alone are worst hit especially if their immediate family members are still "loyal" to the Borg. But i guess the days isn't far when DFing will be as harmless as an old statue of Molech.


  • NameWithheld

    We can only hope that these words come true ...

  • Francois

    May it be so, Roy, may it be so.

    I really think the society is in its death-throes and doesn't recognize that fact. Powerless, toothless, it now gums its victims. When it could operate in relative secrecy and anonymity, screened from public view, it was indeed powerful in the lives of its membership. Now, with the internet and an interested press aroused by its stonewalling, the searching luminosity of truth has been played upon this festering sore on the body of humanity, exposing it for what it certainly is: a dangerous, divisive, religious cult, and a paradise for pedophiles.


  • minimus

    I am curious as to whether Bill and company are hurt or in anguish over their being disfellowshipped.Or are they satisfied knowing they did nothing wrong?

  • abbagail

    Good play on scripture, roykaye!

    Francois, crack me up with this: "Powerless, toothless, it now gums its victims."
    What a picture that conjures up! Oh, how I wish I were a cartoonist right about now!
    I envision a satire cartoon on the Letters to Editor pages in all newspapers across the country, something along the lines of the old cartoons in the Watchtowers damning Christendom, but this time, WTS in the shape of a toothless old man, gnawing on whistleblowers...

    Minimus (btw, I noticed in another thread I mis-typed your name, i.e., Minimum, so sorry) ;)
    There might be some sting associated with Bowen's DF'ing. I mean his wife is still a JW, right? And since he has done nothing wrong, yet they DF him anyway, it just gives the "coward" R&F in the congs that high-and-mighty feeling like, "Yeah, you deserved it," when in reality he didn't. And no matter how hardened any of us get, I'm sure in the quiet moments it would still hurt to know you've been treated so unfairly by people who used to be your "friends."

    And if for no other reason, from what I've read, I think B.Bowen felt he could be more effective in the Silent Lambs movement/cause if he were not officialy DF'd. I remember reading in one of his letters where he did his best to "reason" with them that he planned to take this all up with the WTS on 9/27/02 (the SL March) so he asked (in the letter) wasn't it totally off the wall they were pursuing the matter now anyway? (I forget the exact wording).

    What is so bizarre is how they refuse to answer his letter to reschedule; they don't even follow their own protocol in the Flock book; etc. etc. It's such a scam. I wish the newspaper articles that were printed inluded more detail re these facts.

    So, I'm sure it hurts, I'm sure it's infuriating, but I'm also sure BB will digest it and keep plugging away.


  • Perry


    nice perspective.....thanks

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