The Watchtower's Reverse Cleansing

by metatron 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • twain30


  • twain30

    Dear Metatron:

    I have been "lurking" for several years now and especially enjoy your posts. Generally I agree with you. There are serious problems within the organization. Instead of becoming more understanding and kind the organization is becoming more arbitrary, close-minded, and harsh. This has resulted in a situation where we now have a congregation within each congregation. As an elder I see many of the new breed of "Cosa Nosa Wise Guys." As to whether or not you are removed as an elder for various lies, slanders, corrupt practices, etc....this depends upon who you know and how well connected you are.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I'm curious, when do you guys feel that the deterioration started? I started studying in 1971, and to me I saw a change slowly take place, at least here in Dallas, in the early to mid 1980s. I can't help but wonder if this was a trickle down from the Ray Franz thing. They seemed to become more and more concerned with appearance, and there was the dumbing down of the literature. I happen to agree with nearly everything said so far on this page, except that WTBS will die out. I don't see that happening. I think they'll continue tripping along, spinning, bullying and threatening people into doing it their way. And I really don't think they'll ever change, at least for the good.

  • dungbeetle

    Big Tex, you forget one thing:

    The public has ONLY JUST become aware that Watchtower, for thirty years, has engaged in a criminal conspiracy to keep sexual offenders from justice, and to send rapists to people's doors.


    Watchtower, it ain't just over---it is SOOOOO over.

    Edited because I shouldn't type while I am eating <sigh>

    Edited by - dungbeetle on 24 July 2002 20:44:46

  • DanTheMan

    Met, don't you ever stop posting at this site, or I'll send a couple of my boys after yous.

    Cosa Nostra wiseguys, what a masterful description of the current ranks of newbie elders.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Isn't there a kind of ironic poetic beauty in the fact that the elders at Bil Bowen's Kingdom Hall covered the windows with garbage bags so that their works could not be revealed?

  • Analysis

    In my view the Cosa Nostra wise guys are a direct result of the new style of Circuit Overseers (CO). In my area in the 60s we had quite a few guys that were really from the Old Guard of JWs out of the Rutherford area. Then in the 70s and early 80s we tended to have nicer COs that truly seemed to cared about the brothers and sisters. But, since then they must be sending them through some kind of Cosa Nostra Training. They all seem to be cut from the same mold. These COs also do not have a clue as to what people must go through in their lives now. They are arrogant demanding. Since they pick the new elders, whatelse can you expect?

  • Bona Dea
    Bona Dea

    Great post Metatron!

    I've read many people post their doubts about the WTS never dying out. I know it doesn't seem possible but the exposure of these people and their dangerous methods of handling matters has just begun. Many, and I do mean many people (as in most of the population) have no idea as to what this group of folks believe and how dangerous and life-threatening some of those practices/beliefs are either. JWs have never really been seen in a "harmful" light but rather as a harmless bunch of weirdos (Coming to America). But that is simply because of the lack of knowledge that the public has about these people. Hopefully, since the pedophile thing has been exposed, more and more people will take interest, and become better informed about the JWs before getting involved with them.

    Many powerful kingdoms and nations have isn't such a far fetched idea that this "kingdom" can fall as well...


  • twain30

    To Tex:

    Dear Tex; I think things began to change in the mid-80's. That's when the clamp-down on "Independent Thinking" really began gathering speed. Remember the illustration of "The Carpenter's Tools" the point being that we should appreciate a different variety of individuals in the truth. We don't hear thoughts like that expressed much anymore. There was a time when we were urged to know and use the Bible so as to prove and explain things, to think of illustrations for our talks. Now we are told to look in the society's publications for illustrations and for any explanation of scripture as the first measure. Creative thinking is out, institutionalized thinking by rote is in.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I can remember arguing with the presiding overseer out in service over 1975 (this was before obviously and he thought it was coming Oct. 1, 1975) and I mean we were really arguing. Today I would have been called disrespectful and my father taken into a back room and chastised. The sister who studied with me (early 70's) made it a point of reading other religon's books, magazines, etc. just to "keep up". It was well known in that congregation and it was considered a good thing. There didn't seem to be the fear of exposing the mind to alternative teachings. The attitude used to be that this was "The Truth" and it can stand up to anything. Not anymore. Now it seems as if people need to hear a talk, or read an article, before they know what they are allowed to think or which way their opinion should lean.

    I was pioneering when the Ray Franz scandal broke and I remember being shocked that so many people had a problem with studying the Bible. I mean, isn't that supposed to be the point of why we were there? I remember making that comment to my pioneer partner, and he responded with the usual "We need the Society's direction; yada yada". I remember telling him that when I started studying, the sister used only the Bible. No literature was used. Ever. No Truth book, no Great Teacher book, just the Bible. I'll always remember what he said, "Well she couldn't do that now without getting in trouble with the elders." I haven't been to meetings since 1989, so I can only imagine the lack of free thought floating around now.

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