Elders are Complicit with WT Society in Child Abuse Scandals- Gonzalo Campos Case

by flipper 40 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • OnTheWayOut
    They have Stockholm Syndrome - and they don't even know it.

    Don't get me wrong on this, as I am not excusing the elders involved. But that's what it is- they are mind-controlled into thinking they are doing the greater good by protecting the organization before the individual. They think that reporting all to Headquarters is their obligation to God and they are "obeying God before men."

    As far as "clergy penitent privilege " goes, I don't remember any details, but I think it has been shown that this does not apply when a danger to people exists and I believe it has also been shot down in court because the very first thing a JW elder does is report the crimes to Watchtower. Since he reports it, it is not confidential and the elder is not acting as a clergyman receiving confession, but rather as an interrogator and investigator (policeman) and a judge passing sentence.

  • LisaRose

    Mandated reporting laws and how it applies to clergy-penitant privilege vary from state to state. In California, clegy-penitent privilege only applies to pastoral communications, so If the elders had learned of the abuse only from Campos himself they would not have had to report it, had but since they learned of the abuse from another source they should have reported it (assuming that law,was in effect at the time).

    What makes me mad is that most religions retain clergy-penitant privilege to maintain confidentiality and protect the person involved, but the Watchtower doesn't care about that, they only care about protecting themselves. They keep records of any confessions that are made in the judicial committee, which belies the concept of such privilege. It's also not unknown for details of judicial committee hearings to be leaked by elders to their wives or others (except of course when it comes to pedophiles), which also weakens their claim of privilege.

  • Heaven

    STADD said: I remember a conversation I had with a CO around 2005 about child abuse and he told me it was not that bad in the Wt. org. That there was only a few cases of it worldwide. I said to him I must know all of them when I told him of 7 cases I knew about. He had this scared look come over his face and then he changed the subject.

    I concur with what STADD said. It is my experience that most JWs do not realize the enormity of the issue of child abuse in the organization.

    I told my Dad a few years ago that if there was just 1 JW who was a child molester, then this cannot be God's organization. How could/would God allow this? My Father could not answer this question. This was in direct relation to a discussion we had about a child molester in my Dad's former congregation.

  • punkofnice
    So the story continues. It will keep continuing until WT Society changes it's horrid child abuse reporting policies. Don't count on it. WT leaders main priority is keeping " information control " over JW's and non-JW's so as to not have even more child abuse skeletons falling out of the closet. Because that would affect WT Society's other bottom line- the making of $$$$$ millions into billions $$$$$$$ .

    Here, here. Exactly the bottom line. The filthy, disgusting, gluttonous Governing body of Jehovah's witnesses love money, power and themselves. Speaking of complicit, the GB really are...in fact I often wondered which ones of them are paedophiles themselves...after all they protect those perverts a little TOO much. I reckon they make rules and corporation laws to shield themselves.

    But then, what would I know? All I know is the WBT$ destroyed my life totally.

    However, not gonna winge.

    I'm surprised a certain fishing guy hasn't been on this thread to troll it.

  • flipper

    Thanks for all the replies ! I appreciate it. Got back from work awhile ago so I have time to reply now.

    JHINE- Lisa Rose's statement was accurate- if just Campos the molester had confessed to the elders it would have been a clergy penitent privilege due to pastoral confession- but once the victim Lopez and his mother brought it to the elders it should have been reported to police. And as On The Way Out states the WT Society LOSES the clergy confidentiality once they blab it across the United States to the WT legal department and service committee - it ceases to be confidential anymore and ethics and justice require WT elders to report it to police. Especially in California as it IS a reporting state. As are many other states within the United States.

    DRIVING FORCE- Yeah, I've been thinking more and more about the Stockholm Syndrome thing applying to many JW's the longer I've been out of the organization ( which is almost 12 years now ) because the elders are mind controlled to be SO complicit in upholding ANY decision out of WT legal - even if it's unethical, inhumane, or downright illegal.

    STILL TOTALLY ADD- Thanks for sharing that conversation you had with the C.O. when you told him about all the child abuse cases you were aware of. I bet his face turned pale. It's amazing how quickly they will try to change the subject once we bring up the child abuse scandals because it causes them such cognizant dissonance that their brains get fried or overloaded as it shakes their perfect little world view of how WT leaders and elders are SUPPOSED to be as opposed to what they REALLY are doing and hiding behind the scenes. As you state if the WT Society had just faced this child abuse thing head on and apologized admitting error as the Catholic Church did- perhaps people wouldn't be in such an uproar about it- but the maddening thing about WT leaders is their unwillingness to even admit FAULT at all ! So it pisses all of us off even more as well as pisses off child abuse victims and their families who are now out for WT leaders heads on a platter. But WT leaders are TOO arrogant to ever admit fault. I don't see that happening any time in our lifetime.

    ON THE WAY OUT- Exactly, I agree elders are totally mind controlled by the WT Society's instructions to elders - yet- that being said they are still complicit and guilty in instances like the Lopez molestation where for YEARS these elders knew Campos was molesting more children and they still appointed him as an elder while he was doing these crimes. Which is aiding and abetting a felony crime. Mind controlled or not. If even ONE of those 3 elders had a shred of conscience during those years and years where 9 more children got molested - it would have put a stop to Campos molesting more kids if one elder went to police. So that's what my point is - is that the elders are complicit with the WT Society in covering up crimes such as child abuse- per the court report. They are just as guilty.

    Like yourself - I agree that the WT Society should make it MANDATORY for elders to first report child abuse to the police - THEN report it to WT legal. They have it backwards- they are putting the carriage before the horse. And therefore WT leaders set themselves up for more of theses child abuse lawsuits to come streaming in to them from victims. WT leaders are too prideful to change or listen to ANYBODY else's advice. So I don't see this changing anytime soon.

    LISAROSE- Good points you make about the clergy penitent privilege not applying in this Campos case as it was not confidential from the get-go. The victim and his mom approached the elders, then the elders sent all the information to WT legal and the WT Service committee- that blows the confidentiality clause right there. As you state- it's interesting that the WT Society keeps records of all these 23,000 pedophiles and all the judicial congregation committee cases in dealing with JW molesters- but the WT legal department refused to turn over those documents in this particular court case and would not obey the laws of the court to do so. Thus they paid out 13.5 million $$$$ to Lopez . WT leaders are a bunch of classless idiots.

    HEAVEN- Thanks for sharing the discussion you had with your dad about WT child abuse. It is incredible how so many JW's STILL to this day are not aware of how huge the child abuse problem is within the WT organization. WT Society has done a good job of sweeping it under the rug like comments made by Stephen Lett calling it " ridiculous " that people would say they put children in danger of child abuse. So Stockholm Syndrome mind controlled JW's lap those comments up like kittens lapping up cream so they won't have to face reality. Then they stick their heads back in the sand and go about their business. Pretty weird if you ask me.

    PUNK OF NICE- Exactly, I agree. WT leaders protect these perverts WAY too much. It does make you wonder who at the top is involved in this child abuse mess . There were rumors about Jaracz when he was alive, then Chitty and Greenlees of course, but once again those allegations were hushed up really quickly and some of these guys were shipped out on special assignments to different countries or locations to get them out of the " molester limelight " - I know this for a fact as I've talked to some who had first hand information on it. But I keep my sources confidential for obvious reasons. But as you stated it's a corporation and the organization needs come first- not individual JW needs - and if that means trampling upon the rights of molested children- the WT leaders views are " oh well ". Disgusting

  • jhine

    Thanks to everyone who answered my query . I know in the Cof E if a victim goes to a minister to report an incident of abuse the minister must warn them that he/ she would have to inform the police , so they then continue with the conversation knowing that it will not stay "within those four walls "


  • punkofnice

    jhine - in the Cof E if a victim goes to a minister to report an incident of abuse the minister must warn them that he/ she would have to inform the police ,

    Spot on. Who put the GREAT in Babylon the great?

    Watchtower the not great.

  • jhine

    Hi Punky , yes the churches of Christendom are really trying to clean up their act .I imagine that Catholics have put safeguards into place as well , to be fair I think that some of the issues in the Catholic church were caused by misguided individuals rather than official policy .


  • flipper

    JHINE- Interesting what you say about the Church of England being required by law to report child abuse to the police if a victim comes to them with an offense. I wish the laws here in the U.S. made it MORE of a mandatory reporting issue in ALL 50 states !

    PUNK OF NICE- Exactly. WT Society is not great at all- in fact- they are probably one of the worst offenders of the many religious organizations who don't come clean about child abuse crimes being committed within the walls of secrecy within their organization. Another secretive organization which hides it's crimes is the Scientology religion. Thus the reason for the recent expose documentary on HBO called " going Clear " exposing Scientology. We need one of those documentaries BIG TIME exposing the WT Society definitely

  • Vidiot

    ..."Babylon the Great", the "Wild Beast", and "Satan's World" all have a better track record dealing with the problem that "God's Earthly Organization"...


    Damn, that's gotta be embarrassing for the WTS.

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