NPR Broadcast on JW Pedophile Issue 7/20

by Seeker4 13 Replies latest social current

  • Seeker4

    New Hampshire Public Radio broadcast another scathing report on the Witnesses' pedophile problem early this morning on a program called Reporting Religion. I think the show is a BBC program, and may be somewhat connected to the Panorama broadcast. I would imagine the program was or will be aired on any number of NPR stations across the country this weekend, so check it out.

    It was followed by an overview of why this is such a problem among religions, and really hit the nail on the head. Showed how protection of the church from scandal becomes more important than the victimized children. The churches end up really making things worse for themselves when all of the problems get revealed anyway. The churches end up showing their true colors - as arrogant, self-serving, secretive and hypocritical.

    There is little doubt in my mind that this has become the most damaging and most widely known problem of the WTS in decades. And isn't it wonderful that anyone in the world with a computer and modem can watch and listen and read the transcripts of any of these programs - and they'll be available for decades to come to more and more people. Five years ago I felt that the Internet would be the most powerful tool in the demise of the WTS, and I feel that now more strongly than ever. We're watching it happen before our very eyes.


    Edited by - Seeker4 on 20 July 2002 9:12:27

  • Crystal

    Ahhh...If only I had a computer 10 years ago.(No wonder they try to tell people the computer is "evil"

  • Thirdson

    Hi Seeker,

    Five years ago I felt that the Internet would be the most powerful tool in the demise of the WTS, and I feel that now more strongly than ever. We're watching it happen before our very eyes.

    I agree. When I was a JW I would occasionally hear of problems, news reports and splits. There was never enough information to make a meaningful impact and no way of reading, yet alone, watching reports from other countries. Now we have the ability to get information almost immediately and watch programs from around the world. I get the best from the Kingdom Ministry far earlier than I did when I was in and know of the "changes" well before my JW parents do. I think what irks them the most is that I have the ability to read or get sent the supposedly, for-JWs-only, letters that the Watchtower sends. With the wealth of information, the news reporting and the availability of letters between elders and the "acused" (e.g. Silent Lambs) the whole religion is exposed to the public. No wonder the religion is declining, who'd want to join knowing the true policies of the leadership.


  • Seeker4

    It is the open dissemination of information that organization's like the WTS fear the most. When the average Joe can readily check facts and figures, and can read contrary ideas and arguments, secretive organizations that demand blind adherence to dogmas that have no basis in fact are in serious trouble. Intelligent, thinking people will use these resources, and the WTS will be unable to hold on to them.

    One wonderful aspect of the Internet is that the information ACCUMULATES and REMAINS AVAILABLE. Right now, in a matter of minutes, anyone can download copies of programs, newspaper articles, magazine articles, research papers and essays dealing with Jehovah's Witnesses for the past several decades. In the past a TV or radio broadcast might be heard, and then "disappear" as it were. That's no longer the case.

    So every day the body of information exposing the Watchtower Society and similar groups grows and grows, and actually becomes more accessible to more people. Nothing is lost anymore.

    THAT is the power of Internet, and damn right the WTS ought to be scared as hell of it!

  • ErieGuy
  • Seeker4

    THIS is exactly what I mean.

    I hear the NPR broadcast lying snug in my bed at 5:30 this morning here in Vermont. A few hours later I post about it on the Internet. A few minutes after that ErieGuy posts the link, and voila!, anyone on the board can now listen to the broadcast.

    Simon, you ought to link this to the Dateline and Panorama broadcasts. Then it's archived and readily available forever. The power of the Internet!!

    Thank you ErieGuy. And I see you are another Newbie. That's the other thing I've noted over the past few months. We seem to have a HUGE influx of new posters here. I noted another one this morning who is an ex-Bethelite. Welcome. I've been involved with H2O and this board for a couple of years, and I don't think I've ever seen more new people coming on in such numbers. I read a post earlier by someone who had been lurking for a year or more, and just started posting. I see a real momentum building. What new disaster awaits the WTS?


  • chester

    Hi Seeker4,

    Thanks for posting that information. I agree with everything that has been said about the internet.

    I look at the dubs in my area and I know that most of them still don't know what is going on with the pedophile issue. They believe what they are told from the platform. (The apostates are working with the News media) That it is all lies. That is what the elders are telling them. A lot of them did not even watch Dateline and know nothing about the Panorama program.

    It is unbelievable how little they know about what is going on. Most know absolutely nothing about the United Nations Scandal.

    If it were not for the fact that I have a computer and have access to the internet and am not afraid to come to this site and sites like it, I would still be in the dark too.

  • Seeker4

    My thoughts on this is that the Internet will have less effect on people who are already die-hard JWs, but is already having a dramatic affect on potential Witnesses and those who have doubts.

    Some JWs will just stay with the WTS no matter what. They will probably not use the Net much, and will certainly stay away from sites that question the Society.

    BUT - any that are starting to have doubts and have Internet access WILL use it. I know it was a huge factor for me to suddenly realize that I was just one of thousands that had the same questions. It helped me get past the thought that I must have the problem, and not the WTS. When you realize that the things that don't make sense to you also don't make sense to tons of other JWs and former JWs, that is wonderfully empowering.

    People who are called on in the ministry will also research the WTS on-line, and that is having and will continue to have a major impact on new growth.

    And I know personally that a remarkable number of practicing JWs were well aware of the Dateline program, and that they were NOT happy with the WTS's response on that broadcast. Just another shovel full of doubt tossed on their backs.


  • Trotafox


    It is the open dissemination of information that organization's like the WTS fear the most

    ISN'T THAT THE TRUTH....they fear what they cannot control. Psychologically, they have the congregations pinned up in a locked room (no world association; no Internet; no outside research) while they are outside (in New York) discussing how and what they are going to tell them so it doesn't sound so "evil" which is exactly what it is. Talk about blinded sheep!

    ...any that are starting to have doubts and have Internet access WILL use it. I know it was a huge factor for me to suddenly realize that I was just one of thousands that had the same questions. It helped me get past the thought that I must have the problem, and not the WTS. When you realize that the things that don't make sense to you also don't make sense to tons of other JWs and former JWs, that is wonderfully empowering.

    SO TRUE...I went nuts when I read the Internet. FINALLY I had some proof that it wasn't just me. And I was not alone. I wasn't really a bad person because I couldn't keep up with everything or blindly swallow everything that was being shoved down my throat. I was not seeing love. I was seeing dysfunctional, needy people. I knew then that I didn't deserve the "cold" treatment and the harassment from the Elders. I laughed, I cried, I got angry (very, very angry) and I left.

    Some JWs will just stay with the WTS no matter what. They will probably not use the Net much, and will certainly stay away from sites that question the Society.

    Unfortunately my best friend will probably be amongst this group. For the 26 years that I knew her, I never realized what a truly weak and insecure person she really is. In coming to that realization, I know she will never leave. The WTS makes it too convenient, lays everything out for her in a nice little "how to" package where she doesn't really have to think or take any responsibility for her relationship with God (just obey the WTS), and she has ready-made friends (as long as she is faithful). She does not have the courage to even begin to face leaving or even to question. Our friendship was the sacrificial lamb in this situation. So be it. I have found new courage to take control of my life and am currently working towards those goals. I remain a faithful Christian and have found a new freedom in the love of Christ and His grace. I still love my friend but she is not the same person since the WTS has twisted her thinking. I continue to pray for her but I am not obsessed with it. It's in God's hands!

    Of course, you know the WTS will twist and fudge the dropping numbers for as long as they can and then attribute it to persecution and bible (false) prophecy. They'll come up with anything they can to save face and keep the money rolling in to save the WTS. God's chosen people? I don't think so. Not with all the harm they have caused so many. No amount of good that they do could ever erase that accountability before God. I hope God shows them more mercy then they have shown others.

    Good post Seeker4.


  • waiting

    Howdy Seeker4,

    Good to see your thread........and good information too, thank you. With all the problems I've had during my life, I always felt they were pretty much mine, that I was the Odd One (that may still be true), and the rest of the people (particularily jw's) didn't have such problems.

    Well, when you stay in one congregation, don't "gossip/slander", try to be "upbuilding", talk "spiritual encouragement," don't read anything negative about your religion, don't learn about science, don't learn about politics, don't get even a decent education - let alone a good, higher education (past high school or trade school), don't trust teachers/police/politicians/doctors/any worldly person with any's pretty damned clear that that person isn't going to be clued-in to too much reality outside his own backyard - if that.

    The above, incredibly long, sentence, is why diehard jw's will stay in, imho. Closed minded and ignorant outside their little, closed world.

    And we were all like them, within degrees. I think it's a great point to remember to welcome Newbies here............what a blow to a jw's reality to either realize that he's not crazy/demonized for his doubts - or to realize he's just wasted 10/20/30/40/50 years of his life.

    Welcome Newbies............we were new once ourselves. I never clicked onto the Internet until I typed in Jehovah Witnesses.



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