Watchtower praises disfellowshipping-Media

by Dogpatch 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    This Media video just released by the Watchtower to counter what they are doing in disfellowshipping all the whistleblowers is disgusting. Smarmy Robert Pevy of the writing staff is a total pinhead, and Rodney Stark is such a joke he makes disfellowshipping out to me a laughing matter!

    Just sent out from the Media desk to those on their mailing list.

    Randy Watters

    Net Soup!

  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli

    Thanks for the link, Randy.


  • plmkrzy

    Robert Pevy reminds me of the D.O that use to conduct my bible studies (well actually only 2)

    Except he never looked at me the entire time. Just looked at the floor.

    I could have been picking my nose and making faces the entire time and he wouldn't have known.

  • jack2

    If I read this correctly, there's the testimony of one person cited here. Hardly convincing.

  • sunshineToo

    Is this supposed to be a TV commercial?

  • dungbeetle

    Notice how they are totally side-stepping the issue of SHUNNING....

  • hillary_step

    lol.....Mutt -n-Jeff sing the blues....

    Pevy is actually a very decent man whose greatest sin, other than misusing his Bible, is his penchant for always being the most boring person in the room; any room, anywhere.

    As you say Randy, Rodney Stark is about as useful to the WTS as a wife would be to Oscar Wilde.

    lol....What a sham.


  • dungbeetle

    There is a death penalty for eating pork in the bible, too...start rounding up those JW's!!!

  • new boy
    new boy

    Some day they will be saying, just like the Nazis putting the jews in the gas chambers,

    "We where just obeying orders"

  • joannadandy
    "I am happy that Jehovah loves his people enough to see that his organization is kept clean. What may seem harsh to outsiders is both necessary and really a loving thing to do. I am grateful that our heavenly Father is a loving and forgiving God."

    HOLY CRAP IS THIS GIRL WHIPPED! That makes me so sick that she has actually been stuipified into believing this is normal, loving, helpful behavior...these people all need help.

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