After twenty years of marriage…

by John Aquila 34 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    I just got a call from a friend who informed me that a brother whom I've known for a while and is an elder, just found out last night that his wife of 20+ years declared she was gay, and left him.

    I still need to confirm but my friend is very reliable and was close friends with the family.

    Here’s the thing, she spent 20+ years with this man, has children with him and now decides she wants to follow her heart.

    If she would have come clean to begin with, he wouldn’t have wasted the best part of his life only to start over in his late 40s early 50s.

    Would you be upset if this happened to you?

  • cappytan

    I'd be sad, but would be happy for her.

    My wife's happiness is important to me. I love her, so I want her to be happy.

    If she's miserable with me, and isn't genuinely sexually attracted to me, because of my love for her I wouldn't want to keep her from being true to herself.

    This woman likely wouldn't have spent 20+ years ago if she wasn't in a cult that made her afraid of coming out.

  • tim3l0rd
    Yes, I would be upset. It would depend on how it happened too. If I was really close to my spouse, I might excuse it, now that I know TTATT, as I would understand why she hid her true feelings for so long. It happens to non-JWs too. Societal pressure to conform is tough. There's a TV show starting about a family where the father decided he was going to get a sex change.
  • freemindfade
    I would not be upset.
  • sir82

    It's really not that hard to figure out which JWs are gay, if you are around them long enough.

    Many of the ones I can think of are married (to the opposite sex), some for a long time.

  • Ignoranceisbliss
    I really don't think that I would be upset. It would feel somewhat surreal. If somebody is gay why would I want them to stay with me if they weren't happy.
  • FayeDunaway
    Too bad the religion is going to get in the way for them. For most people they could still be a family, with just the sexual part out. Even if she lives somewhere else, they could all be friends. But he's an elder, she will be df'd, and everything will be a mess because the religion will get in the way.
  • John Aquila
    John Aquila
    My friend just called me (not the husband) and he is real upset. Not because of what happened, but because there are a ton of single sisters at the house with cookies and cakes and meals. And they all are dressed up to the hilt. He said they look like a bunch of vultures circling in for a kill.
  • sir82

    there are a ton of single sisters at the house with cookies and cakes and meals.


    "So sorry your wife left you for another woman. Here, have a cookie."

  • truthseekeriam

    I was just going to say the single sisters will be making their concern known😉

    I've been married 20 + years and I think I would be very upset at first, but as time passed I would be understanding and accepting.

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