Francois - I'll Make It Up To You!

by Beck_Melbourne 11 Replies latest social relationships

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Back off Xena - grrrrrr!!!

    Francois: baby...snuggums...pudding...
    I'll make it up to you right here in the sex thread section!! Stop looking in Xena's direction ...look this way!!!

    For Francois from Beck_Melbourne (but borrowed from someone else who shall not be named) - muuwaaah!


  • Xena


    I wondered where I put that


    Thanks Beck!!!!!

    Xena of the I don't mind sharing if you don't Class

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Xena: I'll share your artwork but I won't share my fella!! No way! Unless...Oh no...nevermind! LOL

    Beck you like this one? Its yours to borrow when you feel inclined

  • Prisca

    lol @ Beck....

    I love those kissing characters - can I borrow them for when I want to send someone a kiss, please????

    btw, was that you I saw on Flinders St going through the rubbish bins, or some other bag lady that looked like you?

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Yes Prisca, you can bottow my boobie blob kissing gif...actually I borrowed it from Golden Girl - but I was sure to acknowledge her afterwards.

    NO that was NOT ME going through the rubbish on Flinders Street, I was going through the rubbish on Collins Street...I wouldn't dare steal YOUR TURF!!!

    Was that you I saw on the tram heading towards St Kilda?? Geez Pris, you'll get those wart like itchy things again if you're not careful...kinda like the ones RF has on his...oh nevermind!!

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire
    Geez Pris, you'll get those wart like itchy things again if you're not careful...kinda like the ones RF has on his...oh nevermind!!


  • plmkrzy

    This is a HORRIBLE way to find out these things! plum now calling the PC doctor




  • Beck_Melbourne

    Sorry Plum, I thought you knew...Prisca is a bag lady who turns into Ruby Red Dress at night! That's where I've seen her pic before...and since no one else believes its really her, I can confirm it as truth...cos I've seen her wif me own eyes! *shudder*

  • Beck_Melbourne


    See me in my private chambers later tonight to collect your belated gift....I'll think of something original...maybe I'll write you a poem to a catchie tune ...or...maybe you will just have to keep your eye out for the postman!


  • Francois

    Listen, Beck Baby, wot's all this "share" stuff going on? Don't you remember our little talk about that?

    BTW, as soon as I get my plane certified for over-ocean flight requirements we're off to the races.

    Your cam musta really screwed up your computer this morning. All of a sudden - BANG - you were gone. Broke my little ole pea pickin' heart, too.

    Oh, yeah, you don't really have to make it up to me - but you can if you want. I'll submit.

    I'll be in and out all day, so get back in touch as soon as you get your computer stuff worked out so I can whisper g'noit like you do in Oz.


    P.S. - I'd like to know more about those itchy things RFs speaking about.

    Edited by - Francois on 15 July 2002 9:7:31

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