by crawdad2 7 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • crawdad2

    it's sort of a torture thing, povided by the jw cult for little children............ and if they don't comply,......... off to the womens bathroom they go.

    any squirming or movement, other than sitting straigt up, is a possible offence, requiring a punishment.

    inside the women's bathroom, various tools come forth, out of the mother's bag............ wooden spoons and other tools........ alot of the mothers pull the childs pants down, in front of everyone, and beat the child with the rod....

    ages of the children vary....... mostly from about the time they can sit on their own, and older............ they claim it's the correct application of prov 22:15

  • SYN

    Sickening, isn't it? Dubs want robot children.

  • SPAZnik

    Itz amazing how "effective" just one good beating at a ripe young age can be.

    My father beat me black and blue one time and one time only.
    I wuz about 6 months old. Thatz right, not even walkin' yet.

    Not sure what the lesson was, but Damn it wuz effective...
    i wuz the best behaved kid at the hall for the first 28 years o my life,
    even better behaved than my father!

    ....not anymore though....he'll probably try and hunt me down for anutha beatin'....
    gonna hafta catch me first....i can not only walk now...i can run. LOL.


  • Windchaser

    Did you personally obtain this information in the ladies' room, Crawdad? Geez, I hope that they don't do quick-builds with two-way mirrors!

    Someone recently posted about a young boy being dragged to the back of the kh and screaming, "Jehovah, help me!" If you put yourself in that child's shoes, it's a very scary place to be.

    Edited by - windchaser on 13 July 2002 15:29:26

  • astrid_kittie

    The main thing I always got whipped for wasn't squirming... but drawing.
    Now don't get me wrong, this wasn't any normal drawing. I was an artistic kid and found notes rather boring so I would sit there and draw what the speaker was talking about. Was completely paying attention, and even devised a system of simple figure drawing that allowed me to draw quickly and keep up with the speaker.
    But *giggle* this wasn't considered too appropriate by my mother... she considered it a form of not paying attention. *go figure...*
    One good thing though... my grandma understood completely, and would even take my picture notes and display them on her refridgerator so she could brag about her good little creative Witness granddaughter.
    Did anyone else try this method of taking notes when they were a kid?

  • Bleep

    How do they spank at other places? Do they spank at a church? Silly.

  • dungbeetle

    The only religions I know of that spank children for not sitting still (insterad of taking them for little 'breaks' every fifteen minutes or hal hour according to age) are other 'cults'.

    REAL religions don't force their very young children to sit quietly through meetings, not an age-appropriate activity. Parents go singly or one-at-a-time, or the children don't go at all, or the kids are allowed to go to Sunday school where they can engage in normal socialization or NORMAL age-appropriate behavior; or you take the NORMAL-for-a-child squirmy little child for BREAKS!!!!

    But then---you couldn't BEAT the child, could you then.

  • DakotaRed

    Most other churches hold Sunday School classes for children, geared to their age level. For younger ones, many have a woman who watches the children play and cares for them while the parents attend services. The Watchtower teaches this to be innaproprite, yet these same children learn their churches views and doctrines just as well as the JW chldren do. Most important, the services are not interrupted by a child who is being forcibly spoon fed the tripe the WT teaches.

    Lew W

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