Any martial artists?

by gsx1138 18 Replies latest social physical

  • COMF

    Aikido doesn't have much in the way of striking. It's mostly about using the aggressor's own energy and momentum to subdue him. The simplest, beginner stuff only focuses on deflecting an attack, not on retaliating. A lot of it has to do with holds, how to get him immobilized. No focus on attack moves such as striking and kicking, but rather on wrist locks, arm locks, and so forth.

  • SPAZnik

    Thx COMF...that's interesting. Sounds like very good schtuff for self-defense. Lotsa physics.

  • gsx1138

    Hey Comf, I really wanted to practice Aikido but the only good school near me is in Seattle and that is still too far away. some the begining to Above the Law. Steven Seagal's main style is aikido. I had the instructer from Seattle come to my Isshin ryu class and give a demonstration. Some of the stuff he did was amazing, made all our black belts look like fools and never threw a single punch or kick. You're right SPAZ almost all physics.

  • outoftheorg

    I snuck around and tried some jujitsu and a style of karate. I don't remember the style. When around 18 to 20 yr old. Left the jw for a while when I was around 28 and did a stint with a so. calif sheriffs office. The self defense instructor taught a sort of street fighting like the israeli military use. Only not so sophisticated. It seemed to work better than the other arts and it was not so concerned with correctness. It also did not require such good timing as the others. I think it also helped a lot that your opponent also knew you had a gun and may use it.

  • Seeker4

    Studied tai chi, karate and aikido, some as I was leaving the Witnesses, and some after.

    Loved Aikido the most. The rolls and throws just made it seem so much more a total body experience than anything else I tried. Loved the philosophy behind it as well. And I think it is probably as practical for real self-defense as anything out there.


  • plmkrzy





    Established since 1995

    ****************United States***************

    Deep Valley Drive

    Rolling Hills Estates, California 90274 (310) 265-0825

    link link

    Lineage: Bruce Lee --- Dan Inosanto --- Paul Vunak --- David Blocker

    Some day I will be listed after David Blocker

    I've been studying several styles also weapons for many years

    taking breaks during dubdom

    it was a battle to continue martial arts or quit for the WT

    WT lost this one

    edited for screw'd up formatting

    Edited by - plmkrzy on 18 July 2002 22:35:8

  • tdogg

    I always wanted to when I was a dub, and I still do. I am considering taking instruction after I have my knee scoped to repair an injury.

  • 2cute2btrue

    P>at the age of 25 i have decided to take up martial arts - looking into various types, maybe will start zen do kai.</P>
    <P>i always was fascinated but being brought up in the truth it was out of the question. on the subject of self defense, a few years ago when i was studying (i never did get baptised) i mentioned to my study conducter that i had signed up for a self defence class. the next study session she pulled out a copy of a wt article saying why it would be wrong to do self defence (this wasnt a martial art by the way just womens sd) </P>
    <P>i said to her - "its okay for u yur husband to protect you should anyone break in etc" (me being a young single mum living alone) ;and went ahead with the course. a funny thing occured to me recently - the society encourages women to fight off an attacker yet at the same time discourages learning useful techniques of how to do this! they really empower the women dont they!! duh</P>
    <P> ;</P>

  • SPAZnik

    Yeah. The message being, respect all life....just not your own.

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