Dr. Spock and Spanking Kids

by dobby 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    You did a good job. I respect that.


    I remember Spoke's --- SPANK A CHILD SPOIL A GENIUS (sp) WELL guess what today we have a whole lot of disrespectful genius"s in our neck of the woods -- called gang bangers...you have an explanation in regards to this social problem????? QUEENIE

  • funkyderek
    I remember Spoke's --- SPANK A CHILD SPOIL A GENIUS (sp) WELL guess what today we have a whole lot of disrespectful genius"s in our neck of the woods -- called gang bangers...you have an explanation in regards to this social problem????? QUEENIE

    Please demonstrate (1) that these gang bangers were not spanked as children and (2) that there is a causal relationship between that and their subsequent gang membership.

  • zenpunk

    I remember once someone, after seeing my mother go through one of her disciplince rampages with me, asked my mom to read Dr. Spock. My mother got very angry, and just beat me some more when we got home. She was so thrilled when she found out that Dr. Spock was having problems with his daughter (I think that's what it was), she was telling everyone.

    PS - I think there's got to be a balance with discipline. Maybe a rare spanking is needed in younger years - but the JWs take it too far. I was still getting "spanked" with a wooden spoon until it broke at the age of 16! That's when it stops being spanking and starts being abuse.

  • animal

    I was spanked/beat/whipped growing up, punched and pushed as I got to be a big teen.... it wasnt right.

    BUT... in raising my kids, my son and daughter lived with the reality that I COULD and MIGHT spank them. I instilled the idea that I was a serious threat to them IF they did certain things wrong. I never threatened them tho. Both of them got a swat when they were in diapers, to get thier attention. Neither were hit with anything manmade.

    Now that they are both between 11 and 17, I have infinate trust in thier judgements, and let them do thier thing knowing that they understand there is a price to pay when they F up.

    Most kids do not get any punishment, and I dont mean beatings. Little things like tv, Nitendo, playtime, desert, etc can be withheld for an extended time when a kid goes over the line. If there is no punishment, why follow the rules? Would you obey traffic laws if there were no cops handing out tickets? You may say you would here, in public, but look next time you come to a stop sign.... and roll thru it rather than a full stop. If a cop were there, you would stop very carefully. Same thing at home, with no threat of retribution, there is no respect.

    There is a major difference between disipline and abuse. Disipline instills respect and responsibility while abuse only instills hate which can lead to rebellion and eventually someones death or injury.

    Whats the right way to raise a kid? Who knows... it is a crap shoot most of the time. I am sure that Charlie Mansons mom thought she was doing a good job.......


  • dobby

    Thank you, Thank you Incense and Captain!!!

    I am printing this post out and keeping it. I had ALWAYS thought the Dr. Spock quote suspicious thanks for the proof.

    I am a fan of Penelope Leach myself. I read so much about child devleopment before my son was born I vowed to not even go down the road of physical punishment despite peer pressure from JW friends and the congregation.

    Dakota - what you said about common sense is a good point. For example, one of the arguments I have used with my JW friends is EXACTLY what Dr. Spock said - if we hit an adult at work that made us angry we would get charged with assualt, so why are we hitting our kids?

    Animal - I agree with your thoughts on discipline. As long as kids see consequences for their actions, such as having a privilege taken away, I think you have done the best you can as a parent.

    Zenpunk- you aren't one of my sisters are you? :) my mom used the wooden spoon on us too.


    my MOM tried to use the wooden spoos on me BUT I buried them in the flower bed and pappy didnt find them for over a year and they was all black and rotten.. During that time MOM and ME had a sit-too in wich I explained I am one of those kinda kids that only takes one of those looks from her and I wilt into tears cz I love mommy very much and so want to please her and not see her upset from then on wooden spoons was for beating cake batter...EACH child is an individual...and the only kid that I need to worry about in regards to discipline is MINE and ALSO I think setting a good example from the parent to the child is very very important--it is none of my business how anyone else disciplines theirs none what so ever at all..MY MOM has been decd since 86 and LISA and I miss her very much and it is 2002.PEACE QUEENIE and family

  • Satanus


    I remember Spoke's --- SPANK A CHILD SPOIL A GENIUS (sp) WELL guess what today we have a whole lot of disrespectful genius"s in our neck of the woods -- called gang bangers...you have an explanation in regards to this social problem????? QUEENIE
    I don't have any kids, but from what i read and saw, it might be that a big cause for gangs is neglect of kids. That means that the parents, especially fathers, aren't there for the kids. They aren't there to guide, to play with, to wrestle with, to talk with, etc. So the kids form their own extended families, the gang.



    THE more I get to know people THE better I like my pet (kat) shit she behaves the first time...SHE is family though hairy and walks on 4 legs...I have been rathe sickly of late and KITTY has been hangin close ever since like right now...I love her more than words can say !!!! PEACE QUEENIE and family we is a small GANG too !!!! WHEWH hot feels like 126 degrees around these here parts....Gota go eat and certainly not neglect myself in any way shape or form !!!

  • WTLies

    The Watchtower Society did say in print that Dr. Spock recanted his position on child rearing. It's in the 12/8/81 Awake! page 14,15 here's the quote:

    " But Dr. Benjamin Spock, himself a former proponent of permissive child training, later admitted that it was a mistake." g81 12/8 14-15 Do You Recognize the Meaning of What You See?


    A former member of a non-prophet Organization

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