
by truthseeker1 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    Incense - I can relate. Somebody is really desperate to sell me Redbook magazine and a bunch of makeup.

    trade ya! (just kidding)

  • Beck_Melbourne

    By not using such words as f*ck etc, they claim this is another identifying mark that proves they are different from the world. YET...I know some jw's who swear and curse with best of em



    I have had some fun on this subject.....i would propose that Jesus used vulger language. cuss words are defined by the culture (hence "bloody" is not a cuss word in the US but over in the UK it is)..Correct me if im wrong on that one....the one thing that is common about cuss words in an culture is that the intent of the word is not very nice. so the main thing to me is that it is not the word but the when jesus called the money changers
    (among others) a brood of vipers? That was NOT a nice thing to say back then...vipers were very much hated. I would venture to say that if he was saying that in our culture today he would say "you sons of bitches!"...the point is he was useing strong language to make his point. my wife does not see it that way though...sigh...she asked "well i suppose you think he did drugs too!"...I said well yes...alcohol is a way around that...and yes he drank yes he did drugs too. she did not like that very much...but could not refute it. Does anyone know for sure what was considered "strong language in jesus's day? I would be interested in seeing that. I would think that calling someone one of the most hated things in there culture at the time would qualify.


  • Mac

    And how does all this lead to Kevin Bacon?(oops, wrong thread)

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