OFN Message Board to close down

by NeonRainbow 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • simplesally

    Simplesally aka kats......

    hey everyone, he is just too much. Can't keep silent anymore, it's me posting over here. If I wanted to slander him or dish dirt, I, too, could do so. So could a lot of other people. But we have a daughter, I guess he thought more of slandering the woman who is divorcing him rather than the mother of his child. As a mother, I would not want people to think ill of her father, so I don't go making posts about focus or crit van tuyl.

    Oh gosh, I can't believe he did this behind my back thinking I would never know. Someone sent me the email as well.....anonymously.

  • Incense_and_Peppermints
    Author Comment
    Posts: 164
    (7/10/02 4:48:14 pm) Reply
    I recieved the sad news that our small community is now closing. I have enjoyed all the upbuilding conversations that we have had. May Jehovah protect and keep you in this time of the end. You all will continue in my prayers.


    yeah, all those uplifting "nose-picking", "michael jackson in a fat suit", and "who's who in the kingdom hall" posts, tsk... (i just checked - the board is still up and running as of 5:56 phoenix time)

    this guy cracks me up. he's so out of it... sometimes i wish i could just go up to some of them and shake them and say hey wake up! you've been brainwashed! it's all a lie! i think a lot of them just don't know what goes on behind closed doors. sad

    "if there was hope, it must lie in the proles..." - george orwell

    Author Comment
    NewbiePosts: 38
    (12/21/01 1:12:08 pm) Reply
    I am runing to one room to another room is it allowed?
    or should I call it one topic to another topic. And what is the speed limite here?

    Did anyone see anything funny yet? Keep me informed, I did...

    .....bye got to go:rolleyes

    In the Name of Jehovah, all is possible if it is His wish, what a loving Heavenily Father He is!!

    Close FriendPosts: 249
    (5/25/02 8:29:19 am) Reply
    Re: I am runing to one room to another room is it allowed?
    I am still running.... ...got to go :eek

    In the Name of Jehovah, all is possible if it is His will, what a loving Heavenily Father He is!!

    [edited to a smaller font to correct formatting]

    Edited by - Incense_and_Peppermints on 10 July 2002 21:13:15

  • Marilyn

    ::::::::::::Yet these enlightened people are awfully

    negative to be enlightened or healthy emotionally

    I wish I knew how to put a positive spin on being wrong. Actually I think

    our sarcasm is an attempt to lighten up the whole depressing mess

    the WTS has created. I really don't know why we don't promote some

    Disney on ice alternative therapy for those leaving the Tower. Clearly

    they need something to cheer them up.

  • simplesally

    By the way, HIS WIFE, aka = me, does not love him. I filed for divorce in June.

  • RedhorseWoman

    Hi Kats, I remember you from Witnet. Always enjoyed your posts. It's good to see you here.

  • Calico_Cat


    I've sent you a Yahoo IM. You know me but don't out me yet. I am more effective working behind the scenes.

    Anyways, hope to talk to you soon.

  • simplesally

    I don't have Yahoo IM........ just email

  • simplesally

    Calico.....email me. I think I know who you are, email me.

  • Nomen Clature
    Nomen Clature

    Just in case anyone who recieved the above posted messege from focus is taking a walk on the wild side.

    Par for the course. Here is a person whose ONLY connection to the Witnesses is thru online discussion boards trying once again to stay connected to you-- JW's. To build himself up by tearing someone else down. Just like that maniac Pastor Russell, Crit can use words to blather on about God, true religion, love, loyalty, god's "channel", etc, etc ad nauseum. But just like that other maniac bastard, Rutherford, Crit can't actually live as a Jehovah's Witness. Never has. Never will. Can't. He has not however, found a way to take over the religion. I'm sure he'd love to, and thinks his ideas are just the new blood the organization needs, lol.

    I don't fault him anymore for not being able to live as a witness. I don't fault anyone anymore for that. I was able to live as a JW. But it's just a bad way of life for humans. Robots, ok, humans, no. I do fault Crit, however, for acting as if he is a witness. In all the time you've known him, he hasn't been one, not in any realistic sense of the word.

    If Crit has a shred of human decency, he'll from this time forward do as the Bible recommends: (I'll paraphrase) make it his business to live quietly and not fuck up anyone else's life.

    for 144,000 bonus points (symbolic, of course, just like in the bible, you idiots, love ya! ) What is one of several things that disfellowshipped person Crit and Governing body member Theodore Jaracz have in common? Answer: They have both progressed as far as they ever will in Jehovahs organization.

  • notperfectyet

    Lisa...nice to see you back on this one...

    I was Bently on witness.net.

    I also got the e-mail from focus.

    How dare you!

    You have threatened me before. Not anymore. You are DF'd, not I. I have not done anything to require a df'ing.

    You and your so called witnesses, have defamed me, slandered me, and I have not returned the slander.

    You think anyone who has a right to think, to ask questions is an apostate?

    You are scum.

    You have comitted sins.

    You call yourself a witness of Jehovah?

    Make right your sins, and then cast the first stone.

    I fed you in my home......

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