Michael Jackson (Full of $%@#)

by out4good3 11 Replies latest social entertainment

  • dobby

    Michael Jackson claims he has vitiligo (sp?). Vitiligo is a real disease.

    My boss has it and she is white. It is an auto-immune condition in which your body begins to attack your pigment cells. It is distantly related to such conditions as lupus.

    There are three legitimate treatments for the disease, skin bleaching, pills that stimulate pigment cell growth and makeup. The pills are fairly risky, bleaching is the safest and most effective treatment if you are concerned about the appearance of blotchy skin. It also depends on how far the condition has progressed, my boss just uses some very good makeup to even her skin tone.

    Michael Jackson has some serious issues, however if he has this disease it could really effect is self esteem.

    Of course what he has done to his nose beats me, he is starting to look like a Roswell Alien.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    First - I am not a MJ fan. Now

    Many of us know the pain of growing up in a JW family. Add to that the abuse. Add to that the fame. Add to that the work schedule. Add to that absolutely no possibility for normality growing up in that environment. Add to that the family problems/break-ups. Add the incest in the family.

    Is it any wonder that the man is royally messed up. I would love an opportunity to do some counseling with this man. He certainly needs it.

    I wonder if his attachment to a few of the Hollywood celebrities is that maybe it is only with others who had terribly abnormal childhoods that he can feel slightly comfortable. Liz Taylor's life in front of the cameras haven't help her lead an exactly normal life either.

    I have no idea if the allegations of abuse are correct. There is enough in his background to make it plausible but I don't trust the media at all. If the allegations are correct, I feel sorry for his kids. If they aren't I feel sorry for him and his kids.

    I wonder if due to all the abuse and neglect - the crappy childhood and all if his self-esteem is so low he needs to resort to the surgery - which at this point is totally out of control. I do believe the pigmentation problem. I have met many people with the same disorder and while they have told me that is is not physically uncomfortable it is psychologically very difficult to deal with

    And no I won't buy the album

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