Your Little Jehovah will Fail You

by Amazing 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    Your Little Jehovah will Fail You

    In honor of: Dave Haack

    When I became associated with the JWs in 1968, I was working at a machine manufacturing plant in California. Our company Electrical Supervisor and I debated religion a great deal. He is a very colorful fellow with much education and experience. He had been a communist for a while, and turned away from that system of thought to a more conservative position. He was a devout atheist.

    When Dave learned I was studying with a JW Pioneer in the office, he tried his best to wake me up. he shared with me the book, The True Believer by Erik Hoffer. He did everything possible to bring good people into the debate, not with the view of mnaking me into an atheist, but the save me from myself - from Jehovah's Witnesses - but all to no avail, for I was already convined by mid 1969 that the Watchtower religion was the truth. Sooo, Dave issued his last ditch warning to me:

    "Mark my words. One day, maybe in 10, 20 or 30 years, you will wake up to discover that your silly Watchtower religion is a joke, and that your little Jehovah will Fail you. The longer you are in that religion, the more you will kick yourself in the ass. You are a bright kid, with a bright future ... don't waste your life on your silly little Jehovah."

    At the time, his words seemed so disrespectful, so crusty, blatant and mean ... how can he call Jehovah God 'little' ...? Now, here I sit, over 33 years later ... and Dave has likely passed away ... he retired in the same town I lived in California and took to raising bees for some income and fun ... I have not been able to locate him ... but his words about silly little Jehovah somehow now seem so different.

    I have read the book The True Believer many times ... and all I can say is that I wish I would have listened to that kind, even if crusty man ... yes, he was an atheist, and no he could not share some hope of afterlife or some grand fantasy scheme with the big Santa Clause in the Sky to give us Utopia ... but he saw through the crafty marketing scheme of the con-srtists that run the Watchtower ... and their Jehovah is not anything special, he is a little jehovah, created in the image of men.

    In honor of Dave Haack, I appreciate you ... and though I did spend many wasted years in the little silly Watchtower serving their fantasy little jehovah, your words stuck and evetually rang true ... and your efforts to help me did not go in vane. Thanks Dave Haack.

    Tomorrow ... Part 19, all the names and places will be given.

  • Naeblis

    I remember when I was about 8 or 9 and in the service with my mother. An old woman answered the door and halfway through my mohter's spiel looked at me and asked me what I was doing talking to people at their doors when I should be playing with my friends. Of course my mom smiled smugly to herself as I told her that I would rather be out in service than playing outside as it was mroe important. The woman just smiled at me sadly and said that one day I would regret wasting my childhood, and she told my mother that she should be embarassed for what she was doing. She excused herself and closed the door and I never forgot that.

  • Celia

    Wow, Naeblis ! Did you really believe what you were telling that good woman, or you just did it to please your Mom and you knew it was expected of you ? Did you think in your own mind that, yes lady, I'd rather be playing with friends than going door-to-door ?

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    He erred in calling God silly and needed to have said "your silly little Jehovah organization," thus putting the emphasis or blame not on God but the men who misled you and so many of us too, including our children whom they allow to be raped by pedophiles so freely. His mischoice of wording probably stiffened your determination.

  • Mimilly

    Amazing and Naebs - those were really touching accounts - really. I just stared at the screen for awhile after reading them, caught up in both of them.

    I truly believe we learn lessons from every single person we cross paths with.

    Amazing, I hope you don't see it as time wasted but lessons and perspective gained.

    Naebs, how did you feel that day when that lady said that?

    hugs to both of you - always enjoy your posts anyway


  • joannadandy

    Nancee this man was an Atheist tho...for those who don't believe in God, the whole idea of an omnicient being floating on clouds is silly

  • Windchaser

    The last time I saw my mom, it was the same. She was going to go to Massachusetts as she did every year to visit my grandmother. We were at her kitchen table and talking about my beliefs. I told her how the earth was going to be a Paradise one day, just like it had been for Adam and Eve. She told me in a calm voice that I was brainwashed. Then, she stood up and said, "I'm going to heaven!" About into a week after she left, she died, in her sleep of heart failure, no pain. (The undertaker was a friend of the family and told my sister that my mom's face was peaceful, no evidence whatsoever of pain.)

    I don't know if she made it to heaven or if the earth will be a Paradise. She has been dead for almost nine years. I wish I could take this time that I have been deprogrammed and put it back to when she was alive. I would tell her that I had been brainwashed. I would tell her that she had been right, as she had been many times. I would tell her that I wish that I could have spent more time with her without this ass-hole religion coming between us.

  • Derrick

    In abandoning Jehovah AND the Watchtower, you are throwing out the nextdoor neighbor's baby with a tub of dirty bathwater in your own dwelling.

    Based on your empty reasoning that connects God with the Watchtower, any organized religion you could have decided to join at any point during your lifetime -- from the hellfire-breathing Southern Baptists to any other right-wing Christian denomination -- would have equally incurred your insults to God.

    This forum serves a useful purpose in showing the lengths people will go in using the Watchtower -- an organization that was subverted by a few elderly men with signature authority over the finances and their younger proteges -- to justify hatred for the fundamental concept of God.

    The Watchtower in its present spiritually adulterous state, NOT Jehovah, failed you.


  • ashitaka

    Amazing, Naeblis,

    I know exactly what you two are talking about.

    Remember that stuff. Especially the "wasting the childhood" stuff. How true. It's sad, really.


  • Number 6
    Number 6

    Hi Amazing,

    It's funny your fomer colleague should have put it that way because I used almost identical language to my mother (a diehard dub of 27 years) just the other week.

    She was lamenting, albeit in a roundabout way because I have very little tolerance for her attempts to witness to me, that it was 'so sad' that we were missing out on 'so much' by not being part of the nightmare that is belonging to the Watchtower Religion.

    I flipped and said "No Mum, it is YOU who is missing out on so much! Your Grandchildrens' christmas and Birthadays, all their school activites that your weird religion finds so offensive and every other facet of our lives that has become objectionable to you since we left the 'truth'. In fact every family occassion that is NORMAL to most people you and stepdad seem to want no part of simply because you are enslaved to that cult."

    "But" I said "what is sadder is that one day, maybe 10, 20 or if you live that long 30 years from now when your very old and at the end of your life, you will wake up and realise you have given your best years to a religion that means nothing, and worse you will have sacrificed just about every family relationship that most people hold dear as well as missing out on just about every family occassion you could have been part of, on the alter of a meaningless man made religion. Believe me, one day your religion will fail you and you are very lucky to have family there who will be forgiving enough to help you pick up the pieces. You've been banging on peoples doors since 1974 telling them the end is imminent. You were told myself and my brother would never finish Primary School much less Secondary then go out to get jobs. I'm now the father with 3 children, life has moved on and in 20 years i will very much look forward to being a Grandfather. But for now I am content just enjoying my kids growing up and denying them nothing."

    She looked totally shocked because I have never been so blunt with her. Whilst I was warming to my subject I further added: "At least I will know, that 50 or so years from now when I approach the end of my life, i will have given my kids EVERY opportunity that I am capable of and will look back with great joy and contentment on the very ordinary everyday things that is being a family. Something you very much have lost sight of. You say you live in constant hope we will return to 'the truth'. Never!!! I on the other hand hope you will wake up and smell what your in before I am organising your funeral."

    Needless to say that shut her up. She'll think twice before attempting to lecture me again. But I do totally agree with your former colleagues sentiments Amazing; Their 'Little Jehovah' constantly fails them, it's just whether they have the ability to eventually see it is the problem.

    Thanks for sharing


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