Wedding ceremonies outside the kingdom hall

by Stealth 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stealth

    I was talking with my sister JW this past week and she told me that in her congregation they now have a new rule that for a MS or Elder to perform a marriage outside of the kingdom hall, like in someones private home or in a park it now requires the approval of the entire elder body.

    I can remember many marriages that were not allowed in the KH, yet you could always find an elder or MS who was related or easy going enough that would agree to perform the marriage out side of the KH. This was the case in my marriage since my soon to be spouse was not yet baptized they would not do it at the KH, so my BIL MS performed the wedding at a local hotel.

    Is this a new thing for all congregations or just a local ruling?


  • The_Bad_Seed

    I've never heard of this -- sounds like a local ruling. I never wanted to get married in a hall, I always thought it was so banal and tacky...

  • Aunty

    My nephew postponed his wedding from last August to this April so he could get baptized. I believe they need approval if one of the parties isn't baptized. Also, I was under the impression that you're a "bad witness" if you don't get married in the KH and can.....maybe the rules have changed?

  • Stealth

    : I was under the impression that you're a "bad witness" if you don't get married in the KH and can.....maybe the rules have changed?

    I don't think this is ture.... I have a relative who was recently married outside of the KH just because they wanted it to be small, mainly family and close friends. If they were to have it at the KH then it is assumed that everyone can attend since the KH is a public building. Both parties were baptised in good standing, and the grooms father was the PO in the cong. So I don't think that would always apply.

    This could be a local ruling if one of the elders married someone who the others think they should not have so they are just going to tighten the control a bit. Just a guess.


  • Scully

    The elder or ministerial servant who is authorized by the state/province to perform marriages needs permission to carry out his duty from the rest of the body of elders??

    I can see that being the case if someone wants to use the KH, but doesn't this guy possess enough sense to be able to consent to marry a couple who wants a garden type wedding? or a wedding in a park?? or are they just using the "body of elders" as an excuse for not performing weddings for people they don't particularly like?

    Reminds me of the Simpsons episode where Rev. Lovejoy says: "This never would have happened if the wedding was inside the church with God, instead of in the showy display of nature."

    Pharisees, the lot of them!

    Love, Scully

  • truthseeker1

    My Father In Law got remarried outside of the KH, and he is an Elder, now the PO of the hall. He did it because he didn't want a lot of people at the wedding. I don't think it means your weak or anything. The strange thing is that he threw a fit when My wife and I wanted a wedding outside of the hall. He said that everyone would be offended if we didn't invite the whole hall and have the wedding at the hall. I was angry when he didn't hold to his own advice...

  • LB

    Getting married doesn't mean you're spiritualy weak, but that's what the congregation will be saying. You know how it goes, "I don't think they were approved to be married in the hall" (said in whispered voices.)

  • writerpen

    In my old KH, the brothers rejected my sister from being married in the Hall (well she and her love did go down behind the barn to make sure everything worked prior to marriage, so I guess she was considered bad association). But months later the elders rejected a couples request to be married in the Hall because the groom planned on wearing a kilt, as he was from Scotland. Lord you would have thought he was planning on wearing nothing the way the elders acted. They didn't allow them to use the Hall and therefore not one elder was invited to the wedding. Another elder from a neighboring cong came and married them at the country club. Bunch of crock.

  • minimus

    Any marriages performed must have the o.k. of the body of elders.

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