How To Make JW's Aware Of Panorama.

by Englishman 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman


    Email 'em with this!

    Where do I find email addresses?

    Go a-hunting for all your old Dubby pals at:

    Its amazing just how many dubs are there! Thank heavens for having several email addresses.


  • Matty

    ** Previous message deleted - too much information - In danger of blowing my cover **

    Edited by - Matty on 8 July 2002 7:47:38

  • toddy

    I decided to write a letter to a witness i know :

    Dear Brother & Sister,

    Set your video recorder,were going to be on television,a whole programme dedicated to our loving organisation.

    BBC1 Sunday 14th july 10.15pm.

    Spread the word!

    Christian love

    Made up name

    They don't buy newspapers so im hoping they will take the bait and tell all there dub friends thinking it will be a complimentary programme!

  • VioletAnai

    I have a hard time convincing the elders that Dateline aired a story....let alone getting their attention for this one!

    They still don't believe that this sort of thing goes on in the congregation. In my congregation anyway.

  • Scully


    Does Panorama usually sell video copies or transcripts of their segments? I'd love to get an official copy of the transcript, or even a video if possible.

    Love, Scully

  • Simon


    The Watchtower building - US headquarters of the Jehovah's WitnessesSuffer The Little Children
    With the Catholic Church still reeling from revelations that it kept child abuse quiet, Panorama investigates a world-wide religion that stands accused of shielding abusers: the Jehovah's Witnesses.

    The more we tell about this the better. I am going to make sure some of my relative know about it. I will stand with a sign outside the KH if I have to.

    Not sure they sell videos but I'm sure someone will be recording it.

  • Englishman


    Yes, they do sell video's of their programmes all around the world. If you check out the website there is a facility there to do this.


  • City Fan
    City Fan

    Somebody's probably mentioned this already but -

    I saw Panorama last night, a great programme about finding Bin Laden. At the end when the credits were rolling they advertised next weeks programme. It showed a man in a suit with a briefcase walking down the street holding a little girls hand. The announcer said "next week Panorama investigates the Jehovah's Witnesses and their shielding of Paedophiles".

    I can imagine the average JW in Britain watching this after their weekend District Assembly and jumping out of their chair at this sentence.

  • ukexjw

    Like to see them argue with this :-


    For nearly fifty years, Panorama has been scrutinising the use and abuse of power and making hard-hitting and thought provoking television. The programme has a distinguished history.

    It is the BBC's flagship current affairs programme and the longest-running public affairs TV programme in the world.

    Panorama's job is to investigate and uncover stories about Britain and the world. The range of stories that the programme covers is wide but the guiding principles for Panorama are always the same:

    • To make programmes with authority which make waves and withstand scrutiny.
    • To report the world we live in with a depth of understanding often missing in many other programmes.
    • To scrutinise the use and abuse of power, both public and private.
    • To get to stories first.
    • To make the stories we tell relevant, accessible and engaging for the audience.
    • To treat fairly the people with whom we deal.

  • Nemesis

    You could also post a few threads on the BBC message boards as they have massive readership, even if theyre posting levels are not as big. (You have to register before you can post)

    Here is a general one:

    And there are the religious ones:


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