more tales of the abused

by littleangrypolishgirl 24 Replies latest jw experiences

  • SYN

    Hi AngryGirl, it's so sad to hear these stories...but believe me, the people here and elsewhere are FIGHTING to end this BS! Email me OK!

  • LyinEyes

    Welcome to this site, Little, it is wonderful. My mom committed suicide over 16 yrs ago and only this last year did I begin to see what being in the borg truly did to her. She was a faithful witness for over 17 years, she had been d/f for 4 months when she killed herself. She still beleive it to be the truth and was very full of guilt. Since she was d/f no one would do her funeral. No cards, no flowers , no phone calls. All the years she made sure if someone need something in the congregatin she was the first to give it to them. She literally gave the coat off her back because an elderly sister thought it looked so warm. She was forever sending flowers to the sick, and depressed. That really hurt me to see that she only had a few flower arrangements at her funeral, they were from the family.

    So I totally understand your hatred for such a hypocritical organization. There is no love there. Not a one,,,,,,,,, a swear not a one , came to her funeral for me and my hub, we were both active witnesses at the time. They could have at least sent us a card , and told us how they cared for my mother , but none of it happened. It is sad that someone can not be mourned in the way that they deserve, she did many good things for others, but because of JW LAW they couldnt , even if they wanted to show their feelings.

    I hope you continue to come to this site, it has been a lifesaver for me. I was raised JW with a beating elder dad too. There are alot of us with the same story, just diff names and places.

    You are probably still in shock, I know I was for a long time, after my mom died. Don't ever be afraid to vent your feelings, there will be days , as you know when it hits harder than others. My email is open so if you ever need to talk right away, I will be there to listen. I can give you my cell phone number too.

    Sending my sympathy, and a cyber hug to you sweet girl. Give our love to your mother too.

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    You would think that after a while you would get used to these stories! In all my 25 years as a JW I never knew things like this went on!.But they do!.They just hid them from the rest of the congregation.

    The only abuse I saw was the beating of the children..They didn't bother to hide it either..Jehovah said "Not to spare the rod!"

    Each timeI read a story like this my heart is saddened!

    Then I remember what horrors I too was guilty of..One of many was reading the "Paradise Book" to my children at a tender age of 5! And then wonder why they had nightmares!..Do you know they still ( and the neighbor girl) occasionally have nightmares about those pictures in that book!! And they are in their late 30's now!

    What a impact many of the JW teachings have on the poor children! They carry that pain with them much longer!

    I am so thankful that all of my children left theJW religion..but I can see it has affected them all still to this day!

    Golden Girl

  • outnfree

    Dear LAPG,

    I only just got to read your story and wanted to express my sorrow for all the circumstances leading to your sister's suicide. It still amazes and deeply upsets me each time I hear about the sordid underbelly of the organization I so long believed to be good and noble. I cannot believe the sang froid of so many Witnesses and the double lives of Witness elders -- "hiding places from the storm" indeed!!!

    Please feel welcome here, and accept my condolences.

    (((((((((Lyin' and WT))))))))))


  • onacruse

    My sincerest sorrow and condolence for your loss and grief.

    My 24 yr-old stepdaughter attempted suicide 6 mos ago, and when I took her to the ER her main concern was "don't tell anybody." She expected shame, not help.

    You will get sympathy, support and healing from the friends here. I have.


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