did you miss me????

by airwlk149 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • airwlk149

    i haven't been here in days.....

    i moved... long story- too long. the people i lived with went completely nuts.

    i don't have internet access where i live now ( i am at my friend's house on his computer)

    i miss you guys alot!!!!!

    i live with a sister in my parents congregation. i have been seeing alot of my mother and family. they think i am coming back to the "truth"

    i am lost. so lost. i feel like i am drowning....

    i went out with a bunch of jw kids last night. THEY WERE HORRIBLE!!! all they wanted to hear from me was about being a lesbian!

    we went and saw men in black 2 and then we played laser tag. the sister i lived with got mad because i was in the car alone with a guy. ugh.. i forgot the jdub rules.....

    love ya'll


  • LB

    WB katie. Yep dem dubs got lots of rules. Rules they spend lots of time bending.

    Last night my daughter in law came over. She made sure to tell me that HER son was going to be raised in the "truth" since we didn't have any idea of what OUR son did in highschool I reminded her of some of the things she did in highschool. Just as bad as my son, seems the truth didn't help her all that much.

    So what's it like being a lesbian??


  • myself

    Welcome back Katie. Now mind you, you need to watch your association.

  • Cowboy

    Of course we missed you (((((Katie)))))


  • Jim_TX


    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Hug >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    I missed you. I hope things start going well with you soon.

    You are too nice a person to be is such a depressing... well... I dunno whut else to call them there folks.

    Stay sweet.

    Fond Regards,

    Jim TX

  • Perry

    i am lost. so lost. i feel like i am drowning....


    just chill out...relax and remember that we all come from an abberation of life, not mainstream life itself. Having said that, never forget your common sense and the fact that your uniquie circumstances will dictate certain limits. Get over it. Learn to place your own limits and you'll be far wiser. Hope this doesn't sound too condesending but rather empowering.

    Good Luck,


  • AjaxMan

    Hi Katie, Welcome Back.

    I am sorry to hear about the situation that you are in.

    We all know that you feel lost now that you are living with a JW and pretty much being observed by them. Now, don't get discouraged: Be true to yourself and to your heart as you had told us that you don't wanna be a JW.

    Although it is something that I don't encourage people to do, I think you cannot be openly honest and sincere with them. Does that mean that you have to be dishonest and not straightforward with them? I am afraid so, because it seems to me that they are being insincere and not straightforward with you. So why do you have to be sincere and honest with people that are treating you like crap? I wouldn't, Been there and Done that myself (even with a JW).

    They want to hear you say that you are a lesbian??? Don't tell'em and don't give them the satisfaction. Whether you are a lesbian or not, it is nobody's friggin' business, not even theirs or ours.

    Just remember be strong and don't let them get to you as they want to do that. Be true to yourself and safeguard your thoughts to yourself and don't express your thoughts to no JW.

    Sorry to hear about your situation, and I hope and wish the best for you.

    Regards and love.


  • ashitaka

    Hey Kate,

    Sorry you don't have a good live-in situation right now.

    Ever thought of sharing an apartment with a woman from an ad in the paper? Could be better than living with JWs. They'll never understand how you feel.

    I don't know if you live close to New Jersey or not, but feel free to email if you want to get away from the madness for a bit and have dinner with my wife and I. We're both 23 (youngins), and you could talk all you'd like with us....:):):)

    See you Kate, take it easy.



    [email protected]

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