What's the worst thing the JWs/WTS could do now?

by dustrabbit 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • dustrabbit

    This isn't really a joke, but I do wonder if the JWs could anything worse than they already have. I don't think/suspect that the Dubs would go off and do a mass-killing/suicide of themselves, a la Jonestown or Waco. But you do have to wonder now that the pedophile and the UN/WTS-connection scandals have came to "light", so to speak, what else is brewing in the underbelly of the Society?

    the dustrabbit

  • TheOldHippie

    Things that have to do with children, with blood, with disfellowshipping, with shunning, with connections with the UN and the political beast - I think there cannot be any more scandals of that type to be uncovered. These things upset people, and there really are no more "things" to upset people.

    I think the worst thing would be: Abandon 1914. Then the whole basis, the whole foundation, would fall apart.

    Second worst? Say the flood was local, not global.

    Third worst? Say evolutionary forces have been at play.

  • DevonMcBride

    I have often thought of this myself. I was thinking more on the lines of racketeering, money laundering or some embarassing scandal that will make them look stupid

    Looking at their past experiences, when find themselves sinking in deep water, they will grasp anything they can to stay afloat, no matter how stupid it is.


  • minimus

    Would this be the worst thing or the best?

  • AjaxMan

    I don't think the JWs and WTS are going to pull a Jim Jones or a Heaven's Gate. I feel they've been doing the worst things for years and that is "Changing Doctrines/Policies" or claiming "New Light" if you may say so.

  • Amazing

    We could find out that the WTS leadership is secretly negotiating with the National Council of Churches, just as the Mormons have started to do ... the Mormons once proclaimed Christendom and Apostate Abomination ... and now they are trying to go mainstream ... so, in time the WTS will be there too.

  • minimus

    I think this allegation was made sometime ago regarding the wbts involvement with the World Council of Churches but this could never be verified. I really don't think any certain allegation or involvement will phase the average witness. You could expose that the Witnesses have been deeply involved in the drug trade or that they have been secretly financing the Vatican, and the Christian Congregation will convince the brotherhood that we are being maligned.The only thing that will really hurt the organization is when more groups of people say that they really don't care what the organization says and ultimately ignore the establishment.

  • Francois

    I think doing nothing would be the worst thing they could do. They've dipped themselves in liquid shit, and it's time to get cleaned off.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I personally think the next big scandla - hot on the heels of child abuse - will be spousal abuse. And before too much longer will be the oppression of women. My suspicion is that soon too many will be disenchanted with the org. and they will leave. Field service will drop off - few people really think it has any value (probably why they are roaming the net now). More people will leave. Unfortunately more people in developing countries will be dragged in. Media attention to the WT org will prevent many people from being attracted to the WTs.

    What's the worst they could do? For themselves - continue to be in denial about the problems in the organizatioon. Continue to make false predictions. Continue to control their members every move. Continue to be what they are - a high control, high demand mind-control group. And like any abuser - they don't change easily

  • Jourles

    It only makes sense for them to demonize, demonize, demonize the internet. Never before has there been such a medium that spreads information so quickly, so effortlessly, that once a story hits the news, it can be carried all over the earth in a matter of milliseconds. Just look at Bill Bowen's latest press conference in Minnesota. How long did it take for the press to release the happenings of that conference? Was it not around 30 minutes later?? And how fast could this story be spread around to all of our friends via email? About one minute?

    Back in the day before the internet, there was a 99.9% chance that none of us here would have even heard about this story, let alone the UN involvement, child molestation, etc. I believe that the internet is THE MOST damaging information source there is against the WTS. Without it, it is possible that the WTS could continue to carry on in whatever devious ways they have been disguising themselves as doing. We all know that if it were not for the internet, they would still have their precious library card with the UN. Dateline would probably have never happened. I say that because there would not be a Silentlambs to talk to. No one in the kingdom halls to tell our story to without the possibility of shunning. Here, in the world of 1's and 0's, we can tell our stories without living in fear of mother.

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