You gotta LOVE this forum!

by Sirona 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mackin

    I have found the last few years since escaping the Borg to be quite difficult and lonely. I was beginning to think there was something wrong with me. It's been so hard to find new friends who understand what I've been going thru. In fact I didn't have any who do, until I started coming here that is. Now I have several ab fab online friends who DO understand how difficult it can be sometimes. And I'm really looking forward to meeting up with some of them in the flesh soon.

    Thank you Simon for the work you put into this forum.

    I love this place.

  • Prisca

    This board ROCKS !!

    I came here as a Witnet ( refugee back in December 2000, no longer an active witness, after having read the two books by Ray Franz. It was a smaller, quieter board back then, you practically knew every poster personally. H20 was the main ex-jw board back then, but that was ok, we liked our little "coffee shop" atmosphere.

    Nowadays, things are very much different. The number of posters has multiplied 10-fold, and several major stories/issues have been broken on this site.

    And I've had the wonderful opportunity to meet several Aussie posters, some of whom I consider to be close friends, through the apostafests I've organised over the past 12 months.

    I think Simon is incredible in the way he has looked after this site, which is now THE site for ex-witnesses. And Angharad should be given equal thanks for letting Simon spend so much time on the site, not to mention the work she puts in herself.

    I loe this site. There have been times I've felt like leaving, but there are many reasons why I have stayed, primarily the need to help other Australian ex-witnesses. So I might stick around for a while.

  • Simon

    I think that is one of the good things - some people come needing help or support but then stay to help others.

    I've always thought that while the essays and doctrinal discussions convince people that it is not the truth, very often it is the personal stories that first make people consider that it may not be true and then the support and friendship from others that helps them to leave.

    If you've been a 'proper' JW and only had friends in the truth then leaving all your friends (and often family) can be very difficult - especially when, as a JW, you may be poorly equiped socially to make new ones. Well, it was hard for us and we found making friends online was invaluable and really helped us not to become too down. Other people actually understood and were going through the same things that we were (or already had) and could tell us "don't worry ... there is a life outside".

    Well, they were right! We're out, happier for it and enjoying our freedom. We have our lives back because 'some strangers' on the internet gave us some help and support.

    Thank you all

  • Sirona
    thanks sirona ... I definitely owe you a drink

    now that sounds good... mines a pint of stella


  • teejay

    This place is all right, I guess.

    tj - still trying to find his way around...

  • TheStar

    I know for a fact that I could not have gotten deprogrammed as quickly or be at the deprogramming stage that I am today if I had not stumbled on to this site in the early months of my own crisis of conscience.

    The different opinions expressed here on all topics, has helped me tremedously in coming to my own understanding of different things regarding the WTS as well as other issues facing us all in the world today.

    Thank you Simon!

  • NewWay

    Simon, I would like to thank you personally for making this forum possible. It takes dedication to keep an enterprise such as this going on a long term basis. This site has provided me with an outlet to express my feelings and view relating to the society, something not allowed inside the organisation of JWs.

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