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by D8TA 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Imbue

    D8TA how many emails did you get over this? You have gained my respect for apologizing to the ladies.

    side note:

    LMAO @ Larc ...when sigs are back I may use this one or not...hehehe

    "I am glad you have you have survived your orientation period here."-Larc
  • New Eyes
    New Eyes

    bitch! whore! oh I'm sorry, see I'm highly admirable too! yes big man, good man.

  • SpiderMonkey

    D8TA, I didn't think you owed anyone an apology over this... It's obvious to me you weren't using the terms "bitch" & "whore" in the sadly traditional way of discounting everything a woman says by using a cuss word. But it was very big of you to do so. And sad that the person who misinterpreted those comments in the first place is 'accepting an apology' that wasn't even directed at him.

  • hillary_step


    I'm a big enough person to know if I've done something wrong, and I'm a big enough person to apologize for doing so. IslandWoman, I apologize for calling you a "self righteous bitch" and I apologize to VioletAni for calling her a "attention" use of name calling in a derogatory way was not appropriate.

    No need to draw this issue out. The man was big enough to apologize for something he now perceives that he was mistaken in committing to the screen. He would be in the best position, as he wrote the posts to know what he really meant, and has now thought better of his original statements. I tip my hat to him. Let us just accept his apology and move on.

    Best - HS

  • dungbeetle

    Another good flamewar gone to crap...<groan>

  • IslandWoman


    IslandWoman, I apologize for calling you a "self righteous bitch"

    No need to apologize. We were on opposite sides of an issue that's all. I started posting on H20 where you might say IW cut her DB posting teeth. I learned on H20 that when stating a contrary opinion "quiet disagreement" went unheard or was quickly squashed.

    I stopped being "quiet".

    I think it was JanH who said recently that in this medium we only get to see a small part of each other, and that's so true. If I struck a nerve and caused you to react in a way you would not ordinarily have, then I too apologize.


  • Sirona

    IN the women bashing thread I said:

    Having read the thread in question, I think that D8TA was out of order. He basically went off on a crazy rant that was uncalled for.

    Since I think that I'm the only person who said "rant" then maybe D8TA was referring to me in his first comments on this post. I need to say, however, that I haven't emailed him and this is the only thing I've said on the subject.

    I'm glad you apologised D8TA, I do respect your opinion and your right to voice it, it was just the tone and use of "bitch" and "whore" that I didn't like. In fact, I wholly prefer your argument against Wholewheat and Violets, and I've got to admit that I get frustrated just reading their posts.

    Good one,


    Edited by - Sirona on 4 July 2002 5:12:32

  • Naeblis

    It was pretty sad to see how easily people were manipulated by wholewheat. Expertly done.

  • dustrabbit

    Naebs: WW didn't get least not yet, anyways.

    D8TA: I don't think you really needed to apologize, there are those who say worse things and no asks them for an apology. However, I think it does make you better than the assorted crackpots out there.

  • VioletAnai

    Thanx D8TA, very much appreciated, but I'd already forgiven you wholewheats thread....

    I just put it down to you having a not-so-good day.....and it's nothing for me to get too upset over anyway....

    No hard feelings....

    Luv Vi.

    Edited by - Violetanai on 4 July 2002 18:8:36

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