New Primates Discovered

by VioletAnai 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • VioletAnai

    Here's the new guys....

    Here's the story....

    I always get excited when something new is discovered....I often wonder how long it will take, if ever, to discover everything on our wonderful planet.

  • SpiderMonkey

    I thought this was kewl too

  • gsx1138

    That is impossible. It is an obvious hoax, nothing more than hand waving. We all know that science has explained everything there is to know in the universe. /sarcasm off. Sorry, just echoing some of the attitudes I've seen on these boards. These kinds of discoveries interest me as well. I bet they make cool stuffed animals


  • VioletAnai

    The size of a house-cat with a really bad hairdo....they're kinda ugly don't you think?

  • Windchaser

    Hoax or not, I think it's great to think about. There are so many things that we haven't discovered yet.

    Spider Monkey, I had a thing for monkeys when I was a kid, too! I was born in the Republic of Panama and we had a spider monkey as a pet. Panchito. When I was three, my mom left my dad and we went to live with my grandparents in Massachusetts. I was about six or seven and there was an item in the paper about a monkey crossing the Mexican border. My mom decided to play a game with me and she told me that it was Panchito coming up to the states looking for me. I believed her and it was my first thought ever of leaving home. I packed a little bag and walked out of the house, because I was gonna go look for my monkey. I remember my mom, older sister and grandmother standing in the doorway, laughing at me. Then I realized it was all a joke and it was the first time I really hated them. That's pretty strong, I know, but I remember yelling at them, "I hate you!" I am not proud that I felt this way or said that to them, but I lost my trust in them on that day.

  • truthseeker1

    You forgot, everything was already discovered by Noah before the flood. He had to have 2 of every sort of unclean creature, 7 ( I think) of the clean ones. So he obviously had these Titi monkies, and all the other millions(billions) of species know and unknown to man. right???

  • VioletAnai

    Ah the mind boggles at the possibilities doesn't it Truthseeker. Sometimes I don't know WHAT to think.

  • TheOldHippie

    No, he didn't, truthseeker1 - he just had a few species, but after they went out and the canopy had disappeared and the Sun shone more directly on each and everyone, then mutations were not harmful after all and they multipled into the millions of species we see today, so that there for example originally in the Ark was just one species of the cat family but ooops! after 50 years there were 100 species but then mutations had became harmful and no instrument in the multipling of the species no more and so all we see today as respects the millions of species really came about only within a handfull of years after the Deluge.

    I always had problems with that - and still have ....................

  • ISP

    Hey Old Hippie, do you believe there was a global oppose to a local one?


  • TheOldHippie

    I don't know, ISP, I don't know ..... BUT, I am slowly, but surely falling down on the "local, but real big" side. I see so many problems in the recent global flood picture. I could accept a global flood, by all means, and perhaps there was one, but it could no way have been so recent. If it had been a million years ago, fine - but 4,500 years ago? no way. The sea-living animals remains way up in the mountains don't impress me in this respect. I see a number of problems with a recent global flood: Animal migration - how on earth could the sloths have reached it to Madagascar? or tapirs to Amazonas? or worms spread all over within a few years, as they had to in order to help out as the vegetation? - human migration - how could Pyramids and huge cities in the Ganges area etc. have been built a couple of hundred years after only 8 people climbed out? - the continental drift - hot spots - huge mountains - etc. etc.

    When we read in the Acts that "the whole world" had been reached with the Gospel in the first century, WBTS is quick in saying that "this of course refers to the then-known world", meaning the Middle East / Asia Minor primarily. Why can they not apply the same understanding to the floods covering "the whole earth"? It would make everything so much easier. Recent Awake articles tell us that the Pyramids were built 2,500 years BC. - OK, that is in contrast with their own flood teaching. If you ask them, they reply that they are only repeating what many scientists claim, and do not want to comment on it.

    I think they are slowly sliding into the readers the possibility that it was not global, but the change is so slow that it would take our entire lifetime till it's changed.

    A friend of mine, an elder, told me he did not believe in a global one, that it was local, and he did not want to give talks where the flood was one of the topics, and never replied when questions referring to it were asked at WT studies etc. So it's drifting in a sense that this ain't holding water ...............

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