Mrs Warburton...

by refiners fire 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Im working in an electrical store , a one man operation, and everything goes thru a computer system called "MYOB", All purchases and sales. Anyway, I wouldnt have a clue how to operate this MYOB program except for selling company registered parts.

    Some salesman from the parent company told me to obtain a rubber seal for a vegetable steamer the other day, it was for a little old lady called "Mrs Warburton". So I got the part after talking to the dear sweet old lady,(who, incidentally FLIRTED with me profusely) but when It came to shipping the part to her I found that i had to log the part into MYOB and create tax profiles, etc etc, all kinds of crap, before i could generate an invoice for her.

    No can do.Too complicated for me at this stage.

    Meanwhile poor old Mrs warburton keeps ringing me up, when will I send the part to her. She lives all alone and is totally dependant on her little vegetable steamer to cook her potatoes and carrots for her meagre evening meal.

    All day yesterday Im sweating on mrs Warburton and her little rubber ring that she needs, Im thinking, that little old lady is going to starve all weekend just because of this beast 666 computer system that noone can operate. I cant send the part because i cant generate an invoice. At 3 pm I made an executive decision, to hell with the bloody computer beast , I just slipped Mrs Warburtons Rubber seal in an envelope and sent it to her with a note. "No charge, compliments of ...".

    I couldnt bear the thought of poor sweet innocent granny Warburton going without.


  • Been there
    Been there


    You're soooooooooooo sweet! Surely there will be treasures in heaven for you.

    KY Been

  • Pappusan

    Hmm maybe you could send in a Question from readers to the WT next time. Im sure the ORG would have some good christian advise for you.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Sayings of Mrs warburton:

    "The rubber seal has gone to God...poor thing...still, I expect I'll see it again, in heaven, I'll be going to God myself very soon"...

    (Evil Refiner, eyes full of tears, Dabs at his eyes)

    "I eat very simply now dear, just a little piece of meat,If I have the pennies to pay for it,sausages and the like, dear, I cant afford red meat, and a few steamed vegetables, and a piece of fruit,thats sufficient for me now "....

    (refiner, filled with righteous fury, thinking about cursed corporate MacDonalds, carping on the phone because their thick shake machine needs a bolt, and there are 50 pimply, greedy teenagers queued up waiting for chocolate covered thick shakes. THIER parts are registered on the computer).

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Hey Pappu..

    I rang the corporate boss in Sydney yesterday. A flyer came in the mail, some guy who comes to your office and teaches you MYOB. 70 bucks an hour, I wanted to book him for 4 hours. The boss said, "That wont be necessary,Just move along as best you can, Youll learn it".

    So there you go, wouldnt spend 280 bucks on the investment.

  • HappyHeathen


    You just KILL me! That story is hilarious.

  • teejay

    Cool story, refiners. I like a man what can think outside the box! Goodie on you!! (you made my day)

    How much ($) did you think your executive decision cost?

    Your post reminded me of a cartoon I saw the other day.

    There was a customer at a parts counter looking at a row of shelves where he saw the part he needed. It was right there.

    The caption was of a dreary, expressionless, uncaring employee who said: "I don't care how much you point at it, the computer says we don't have any."

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    retail cost of the part, 5 U.S. dollars.

    postage, 25 U.S cents.

  • LizardSnot

    Good for you Refiners :)


  • Beck_Melbourne
    Beck_Melbourne're a super hero!!!

    There will be comic books out about you soon...maybe even a movie! Mrs Warburton could be your leading lady.


    ps...MYOB = Mind Your Own Business = easy peasy japaneeesie

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