woohoo! pushing 200..and what's next for the Dusty

by dustrabbit 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • dustrabbit

    I got my 200th post right here. Does that mean I'm a "master member" now?

    Other posts to look forward from me before I leave China and don't have net access for a while:

    more JWMatch.com hottie of the week! posts.

    part #3 of my personal experience..and the "unwritten" chapter...yeah, I know I keep promising that one, but it's so personal and gets me choked up everytime i start to write it.

    my thoughts on chinese culture and it's similarities to the group-culture of the dubs: however, this will be a multi-part post that might have to wait until i leave china.

    by the way, MrMoe is the assistant manager at exJWsRaw, the sight I launched after Simon locked up the boobie thread. By the way, we've now got over 50 members! Get ruanchy, and...OH! Do behave, Austin Powers style.


  • dustrabbit

    Oh I guess I don't get Master Member status at 200.

  • dustrabbit

    But you get at 201!

  • LB

    And why hasn't my membership been approved at jwraw yet young man??????

  • dustrabbit

    lb: yes, it has...check your email.

  • Reborn2002


    LB just wants to see the more explicit photos available of SpiceItUp, Pierced Angel, and the rest of the ladies.

  • dustrabbit

    and what's your reason for joining, Reborn? Just to read the articles?

  • LB

    Aaaah, yes, I am that shallow. But I'm afraid I've really sinned this time and I'm not sure I'll recover. I looked at the guys pics. I have since taken drugs and medications and yet I doubt I'll ever fall asleep tonight. Sure I could poke out my eyes but those images are burned into my brain. Can I cut out my brain????

    I joined to look at cartoons and admire lovely photographs of beautiful people.

    I didn't see any beauty in the guys section.

    Pot makes your brain fuzzy, right? right?

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