US Pledge of Allegiance Unconstitutional?

by patio34 30 Replies latest social current

  • unclebruce

    being from the true land of the free overt american patriotism is an embarrassing mystery to me. (especially when George dubya Bush speaks of God like he's an old beer buddy wiser)

    I do know that whatever uneducated numb-nut said this:

    Guy w/lawsuit: if some religious stuff were brought in to school, you would complain. We have problems because religion is on the side of government...look at Pakistan.

    wouldn't know a miltary dictatorship from a civil administration from an islamic state. If religion is on the side of goverment in pakiland i'm one of Imram Khans ol' balls.

    Long may the moderates hold sway in Pakistan and we continue with the cricket.


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