Surgery for your child and the blood issue

by anewlife 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • dungbeetle

    (((((((((((((((((( balsaam and anewlife ))))))))))))))))) and all the others ever in your shoes.

  • LyinEyes

    ((((((((((((((( Balsam)))))))))))))) so sorry to hear about your son. I can not even begin to image what you must be feeling. But know this,,,,, you are being thought of and if you ever need to talk my email is open.

  • Valis

    My daughter was mauled by the familty dog and it basically ripped her nose up and there was blood everywhere. Not even for one minute was there a question of whether or not blood was an issue. I would given her all my blood and then some if it was necessary. A scarier thought to me though is what happens when the children are at the grandparents house and something bad happens? Would my JW parents let my kids die because of their stance on blood? That gives me the creeps just thinking about it.


    District Overbeer

  • Marilyn

    We were practising JWs - husband was a MS and we were active. When our first child was born, she was premature. They whisked her away and I remained in the delivery room while hubby went to call relatives. Meanwhile the Pediatrician came in and told me our daughter was quite sick. I didn't understand the nature of the illness though. When hubby came back, we discussed it, and decided that what ever she needed, including blood, she'd get. It was in 1977. She is now a doctor and we are out and free. She never needed blood.

  • Beck_Melbourne

    I feel such a lot of saddness for all those who have lost loved ones because of their blood issue stance.

    I talked to Andy about this after reading your thread anewlife and he reminded me that when I first moved here I was anti-blood and he remembers me saying that under no circumstances would I receive any blood and I wanted it noted on my driver's licence. He said that if ever a medical emergency were to happen he was going to enforce blood on me no matter what...I guess he had more insight then I did about the WT's conditioning that I still felt compelled to follow.

    I agree with all those who have mentioned freedom...its great to be free and making my own decisions - at last. Better late then never I suppose.


  • anewlife

    Thank all of you for your heartwarming responses and concerns!! What wonderful, caring people all of you are!

    Balsam, my heart goes out to you!!! It brought tears to my eyes just imagining what you must have experienced. Our children are the most precious things in our lives and I would be so devastated if I ever lost one. (((((((((((Balsam)))))))))) I'd give the hug to you in person if I could!

    Sam, I thank you for posting your experience. I will read it and appreciate your sharing.

    Again, thank all of you for your support. Nick is moving about pretty good today and has a regular 14 year old appetite again! LOL

    Much affection to everyone!


  • Balsam

    Hi Folks,

    Your kindness and warm hugs brought me to tears, and its hard to type when one is crying. I haven't cried in a few months so maybe it is all bottled up. I can't even begin to explain how it feels to lose a child to death. It makes you want to die with them. It brings a terrible physical pain that is unbearable to an end. I wanted to die so badly just to stop the pain. But because of my other beloved two sons, and the love of my beloved whom I am with now, the pain eased. I miss my son terribly, and thinking about him is painful, and probably will always be. But he was bright and funny, and he loved life. He was the son most like his mom in looks and disposition.

    How was it my then my husband and father of my son refused blood for our son so easily unreservedly. Even I was at that moment was uncertain it was the right decision to refuse it, and never said a word. How I wished I had said yes give him blood. I feel revolted by my fear of my husband and the WTS, that I said nothing, when everything in me said to just give him blood that he might live. May God forgive me, and help me live with this. I hold the WTS governing body responsible for his death, and all the other people who die prematurely for refusing blood. They will pay, and are paying some now with so many exiting the witnesses now, like me and all of you hear. I have been really aware and out completely about 9 months. It makes me want to vomit at how utterly blinded I was by the doublespeak of the WTS. But we must not dwell on our mistakes, but put up fight for what is right, for freedom, for life, real life. That is my goal now to get my remaining two sons out. One is, and one wants out as soon as he is 18. He is 14 and lives with his witness father. But I am confident that they will find freedom inthe up coming years entirely.

    Most sincerely,


  • dungbeetle

    <But we must not dwell on our mistakes, but put up fight for what is right, for freedom, for life, real life. >

    YES!!! Watchtower COUNTS on us leaving and never looking back. They couldn't be more wrong.

    Hugs to everyone who's posted on this thread.

  • LDH

    And many of them still believe.

    When my parents were out here, they both had NO BLOOD keychains, and when my mom opened her wallet the first thing you could see was her NO BLOOD card (of course, the one from 2001).

    It was the saddest thing.

    When I was a little kid up to a young teenager, we almost lost my mom three times, each time the doctors told her she would die, once they sent in a priest to do last rites (refused). Although she is still alive, I can't help but wonder if my father would have remained faithful to the TROOF after being left with no wife and three kids to raise.

    It is so scary. They are prepared to mortgage today, the here and now, on a promise made by some crackpot old men.

    Hugs to you all.


  • ShaunaC

    If ever faced with the decision about blood I would do so solely based on medical opinion. As I am not a JW anymore, I no longer worry if it's acceptable to God or not. Even watching the WTS constantly change it's stance on the use of blood makes me realize it never really had anything to do with God in the first place. I find it utterly ridiculous that the WTS says whole is bad but broken down in parts in OK. Talk about stretching!

    I do agree that blood should not be used as the fix all. I would definitely opt for alternative treatment first if applicable. But if my life was ever in danger I would not hesitate to make the decision to use blood. And when I have children someday, I can imagine my resolve would be even stronger to do so.

    Cheryl, the fact that hubby did not put up a fuss about the issue and simply deferred it to you (AGAIN as usual - haha) shows that he probably feels the same as you but is just too weak to stand up against the family/congo/WTS. Damn, did we have the most spineless husbands in the world or what?!!

    Cheryl, you are a fantastic mother. Never doubt your instincts to protect and save those boys. I often think back to that letter my mom wrote to me blasting you as an awful mother. Saying that even a dog wouldn't leave her young. If she could only see how much those boys love you and how close you are to them. You have a better relationship now than ever and all 3 of those boys can see which parent truly loves them and will always be there for them.

    Hugs to my sis,


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