Pro-JW article in the Boston Globe! write 'em!

by detective 11 Replies latest social current

  • detective

    I just sent my letter. I may post it here later.

    I had another thought about this reporter. I'm still thinking she may have a connection to the witnesses. While it may just be slight paranoia on my part, I still think she was allowed quite a bit of access all things considered. I noticed that she didn't speak to any non-witnesses. In fact, the only counter argument she offered was from a non-witness. Coincidence? Hm.

  • detective

    I did get a response back from the reporter. I will not post the email but i will give the jist of it. The reporter said that they were interested in witnesses as a mass marketing group and didn't want to touch on the religious aspect as much as the marketing approach. She said they weren't interested in discussing whether the religion was good or bad outside that angle. It was a pleasant enough email but i still think the reporter is missing the big picture. Oh well.

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