Bomb Threat at District Convention in Calgary

by dobby 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • joeshmoe

    LMAO @ LDH!

    I bet some did! I probably would've just headed down the street to a local pub (like I did all the time at my conventions during lunch!) I can picture elders looking around to check if any from their hall were missing when they came back in. Can you say "back room"?

  • Bodhisattva

    LDH -

    We know how many evacuated (some of whom even - gasp - ate their lunches!). But what I don't see reported is the afternoon attendance. Of course, given that "because of [their] theocratic training [they] were able to clear the Saddledome in just over 12 minutes," maybe they all stayed behind.

    Is 12 minutes good? The Saddledome only has four levels, but the stage area and the 14-section 300 level were probably kept clear. That leaves 42 sections total between the 100 and 200 levels. Twelve minutes after that announcement? There must have been some pushing or it would have been faster.

    The god of the dolphins has flippers.

    Edited to change "left" to "evacuated."

    Edited by - Bodhisattva on 24 June 2002 15:31:25

  • Francois

    Great! One of the benefits of turning your entire life over to the JWs: you really know how to evacuate a building. Where do I sign up?

  • TheStar
    Everything was done so orderly, calmly, smoothly
    that the city police couldn't believe their eyes. In just over 12 minutes we
    evacuated 8600 people. The police said it was the quickest, most orderly,
    calmest emptying of the premises they had EVER seen. Certainly a good
    witness, wasn't it?
    You could actually feel a calm fall over the crowd, as if Jehovah's hand
    were protecting us
    . No one panicked, no one walked quickly. And we waited
    patiently outside in the scorching sun until they told us we could go back

    Ok Drama Queen can you say "exaggeration"?? Gag, puke UGH!!!

    Edited by - TheStar on 24 June 2002 18:12:3

  • nancee park
    nancee park

    I agree. It appears things like this have been staged before by the Watchtower Society. The idea appears to be to make the Watchtower Society look like the good guys who are being persecuted. Obviously they have gotten lots of bad press over wanting Shunned Father's daughter to not get emergency blood transfusions and so die. Ditto over their abetting pedophiles. Now it looks like they are going to extremes to polish the tarnished image by staging this phony alarm. Shame on them!

  • Kismet

    Some of you are hilarious. You are claiming that the JW's orchestrated this whole thing??

    At best.. an individual JW looking for attention may have done so.

    This is not how the Society operates. They sincerely think they are dispensing spiritual food at the proper time. The Branch office would never approve a hoax like this.

    What I see happening is a bunch of GI Joe wannabees overreacting and putting 2 + 2 and getting 666.


  • RunningMan

    It seems ironic to me that the most informative part of the assembly was that when the doors open up, the Witnesses leave fast. That can be read on so many levels.

    So, is 12 minutes really a good time to empty the place. Let's do some math. According to the NHL, the Saddledome has a capacity of 20,000. This does not include the ice surface, which should seat around 2,000 more.

    So, during the assembly, the attendance of 8,600 was only filling the place to 40% of capacity. Is it really that amazing that a building (even a large one), that is 60% empty, can be evacuated in 12 minutes? I think they are flattering themselves a bit.

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