Sat. Assembly Report

by abbagail 8 Replies latest social current

  • abbagail

    This was posted at SilentLambs over the weekend by The Mole, a regular supporter/poster at SL.

    "The mole...............hello , to report from saturday's session from the san francisco assembly. Has anyone heard the days program? how about what was not on the program? Brother Vaughn long time c.o gave a talk not listed or noted in the program regarding false talk and rumors, i quote, " if brothers are aware of incidents that bring reproach on the congregation and Jehovah's name, should be counseled and taken into consideration for public reproof or disfellowshippment.The community must understand our commitment to wholesome truth in name of Jehovah who will bring to an end the wickness that plauges mankind"..........I thought it was weird he never said anything about calling the police or cooperating with those in the community? He went to say, " those in our congregations who say false things, gossip, and stand against the Truth have been influenced by Apostate teaching in News and other sources such as the internet. Beware my brothers and sister satan means to mislead you and snatch you away..." He sounded as if the hunt began if anyone speaks up. That was my impression of the talk. He read several scriptures to back up his brief 5 min talk. I would quote all the scriptures but all of you who are members have an idea which ones they are. Hey placerville the hounds have been sent out for you. ......THE MOLE"

  • Gopher

    Thanks Grits for this information. The information doctoring/spinning continues at a dizzying pace!!

    The community must understand our commitment to wholesome truth in name of Jehovah who will bring to an end the wickedness that plagues mankind.
    Hey WTS!! Any impartial observer with half a brain who watched the Dateline show saw that your damn commitment is not to truth, but to hiding it in the case of pedophile perverts! You're committed to do whatever it takes to keep the large wheels of the organization turning, even if it crushes insignificant little lambs.

    They're out to "silence" the opposition once again. No open discussion of the issues are permitted! End of discussion, or so the WTS would wish.

  • abbagail

    Hi Gopher, yes, interesting, eh? The message was clear: Lips Zipped or Face the Consequences...

    The Mole posted another comment later this evening. I'll post it below, since he writes interesting stuff. Reading his posts makes me feel like I am caught up in a real-life espionage drama... ;)


    Quote from, The Mole wrote Sunday evening:

    Date: 23 Jun 2002
    Time: 22:35:24

    Comments: The mole............i spoke to a friend at the assembly and ask his thoughts just to see if im really off base, to kind of balance my judgement. He simply said he never heard of anything in his area of this sort of problem pedifiles and was shocked. I told him about NBC and he said he didnt see it. He said others had talked about it but no seroius discussion arose. I asked him his opinion and he said, "it may have been an isolated incident but from what i heard those brothers, even after confession, let that man go door to door and it was viewed on tv. What a horrible thing. It didnt do any favors for us and to it was not apostates. I dont know what to think but im going to see the video later, another brother and sister taped it.........." MY opinion is that it was an eye opener for everyone and those who dont care for alot of things has now got ammo to resist. This brother was a former elder who stepped down because his son got into some legal trouble. He has been disgruntled over this political issue he thought was not to be in our Organization. They wont let him be an elder anymore because the presiding overseer admitted to alot of brothers in service he personaly didnt like the man. This was told me in confidence with i was a ministerial servant at the time by another elder while we going door to door. Since then it stuck in my mind and that is why I asked Mike and Yolanda thier views because it was politics that prevents them from going back to his position. His wife had a stronger opinion of the issue. They moved to another hall since.........To the person who said from the inside out, your write. I will be a thorn or tear the house down......the mole

  • Gopher


    That was an interesting dichotomy, about the JW's reaction to the Dateline program.

    When talking among themselves, "no serious discussion arose".

    However, when an individual spoke to our mole (and not among a larger group), he said:

    From what I heard those brothers, even after confession, let that man go door to door and it was viewed on tv. What a horrible thing. It didnt do any favors for us and to it was not apostates. I dont know what to think but im going to see the video later, another brother and sister taped it.........." MY opinion is that it was an eye opener for everyone.
    More jw's are seeing copies of the Dateline program than the Society had hoped for, and individually people who have a conscience and a brain will be horrified. But among the group you gotta put on a brave face!
  • mouthy

    I attended the Kitchener Assembly on Friday. I felt so sad - It was a very hot day- It was packed to the rafters( inside auditorium)

    All the "Brothers " with their white shirts, ties,suits, the "Sisters"so well dressed- The young adults flirting with the pretty gals.( only time they can find a wife/husband/

    I went with a man that had never been mind-controlled- He was in awe as he saw their performance-He said "Grace I have NEVER seen such well behaved children ANYWHERE."..He listened to the message -First it was about school being finished "so you know what the kids should do PIONEER!!!!! The only way to find contentment.( of course I didnt tell him-if the kids dont behave they get to the library for a spanking)

    Then they gave experiences of HOW we should "hook" people into the Ark....

    My friend said he had never seen so many robots - it was such a sad site...I stayed for 2 hours -had to leave it was WORKS! works! works! Thank God I am free.

  • deddaisy

    "He went to say, ' those in our congregations who say false things, gossip, and stand against the Truth have been influenced by Apostate teaching in News and other sources such as the internet. Beware my brothers and sister satan means to mislead you and snatch you away...' "

    it's amazing that it was the Witnesses that I heard the most about how horrible the Catholic Church was during the peak of that scandal....Not one of them ever mentioned that it may be "blown out of proportion," or "disgruntled ex-members" saying false things!

    and for "Apostate teaching in News and.....the internet," a Witness lady that I know was always telling me about something on 60 minutes, 20-20, or Dateline. She never doubted that the reporting was well-researched and factual. Now, all of a sudden Dateline is reporting news based on lies?

    I mentioned to her months ago that I could see why the society doesn't want Witnesses checking out certain "sites" on the Internet, they'd find out too much! She said that the society never said not to visit "apostate" sites, that Witnesses decide for themselves. yea, they decide if they want to risk being "reproved" or not........

    bottom line is:

    when it's the Catholic Church, it's IMMORAL FILTH

    when it's the Watchtower Society, it's PERSECUTION

    if Dateline airs a negative show on the Mormons, it's TRUE

    if Dateline airs a negative show on the Watchtower Society, it's APOSTATES' LIES

  • YoursChelbie

    Locally meeting attendance it at an all-time low. Yet, the circuit overseers are visiting KHs to "encourage greater activity in the field." I'd hate to have their job--it's an impossible feat given the current developments......

  • biblexaminer

    Hey MOUTHY... you were at Kitchener...HEhEHhe... so was I. But I stayed for the entire thing.

    You missed a sight. You must know dear Br. Wayne Johnson. Well, he was sitting in plain view on Sunday, just 10 minutes into the Public Talk and 10 feet from Br. Walker, and he dozed off. He was headed to the floor and would surely have smacked his head on the table on the way to the floor.

    But he caught himself. Then he shuffled some papers. Acted as if nobody saw. I was roaring.

  • COMF
    those in our congregations who say false things, gossip, and stand against the Truth have been influenced by Apostate teaching in News and other sources such as the internet.

    Really? They have?

    Not by name... not specific cases... just, anybody who does that has been influenced by apostate teachings, huh?

    It must be comforting to be so sure of oneself.

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