Someone at WTS hacking me?

by Amazing 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    Did someone at WTS attempt to hack me today? I don't know, but here is the summary from my event log and Domain trace. This afternoon I received an "Alert" on my Firewall with an IP Address. I ran a trace on 26 events over a 20 minute period, and found 21 hops coming from the WTS into my system. I found the Network server ran through Verio, Inc. in Englewood, Colorado. Here is the information:

    Domain Name..........

    Creation Date........ 1996-11-01
    Registration Date.... 2002-05-24
    Expiry Date.......... 2003-10-31
    Organisation Name.... Watchtower Bible & Tract Society
    Organisation Address. 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483
    Admin/Tech Name........... Joel Gott
    Admin Address........ Same

    Admin/Tach Email.......... [email protected]
    Admin/Tach Phone.......... 718-560-5333
    Name Server.......... NS1.SECURE.NET
    Name Server.......... NS2.SECURE.NET

    Edited by - Amazing on 22 June 2002 16:50:39

    Edited by - Amazing on 22 June 2002 16:53:19

  • Wendy


    I had the same attacks a few weeks ago. Email Joel, he will return your email.


  • Hmmm

    Depends on what "event" your firewall reported.

    Could be some Bethelite junior tech playing around with a port scanner.


  • nancee park
    nancee park

    Since Dateline NBC aired the WTS's pedophile coverup scandal many of us have been stalked and harassed electronically. I believe Alan F noted this, so did Bill Bowen. I'm not sure but bet Randy and Kent have too. I know Troy has also had it to worsen. So did someone else whom I forget but Alan F may recall. Check also with Simon. Why don't a whole bunch of people notify Shouldn't we be free to express ourselves without being stalked and harassed! Ignore "Hmmm" who is downplaying it. If enough of us can demonstrate a pattern of intimidation emanating from the WTS then it can be stopped and the WTS toadies can be fined or imprisoned.

  • sf
  • Amazing

    HI SF: Could you repair your post so that it will fit within the screen, avoiding the eternal scroll bar. Thanks.

  • DazedAndConfused

    I would be most interested in HOW to backtrack to a certain "sender" of such things as a virus. Especially after the Dateline show, I got many attempts to put a virus on my machine whenever I came to this site (and other XJW sites). How does one track?

  • Simon

    The number of email viruses and the like has *definitely* increased, way beyond normal 'worm' activity ... and only on my JW emal addresses.

    This could be explained though that my JW email addresses are in more people's address books.

    Still ... I *do* believe they consider themselves above 'the law' and if not officially sanctioned then someone could easily justify such activity to themselves as being "serving Jehovah"

  • hillary_step

    I used ZoneAlarm until recently, but then upgraded my main computer which is running Windows XP. XP has an integral firewall which I have of course activated.

    How does this firewall compare to ZoneAlarm?

    Best - HS

  • Wendy


    If you have a firewall they display the originating IP address. You can then go to a reverse lookup site. I have one bookmarked but can't remember the name If you go to Google and just type in reverse DNS lookup, they will give ya hundreds of sites to go to.

    As for being on a site and getting alarmed, that is a bit harder to find with my settings. My virus scanner is different than my firewall, so sometimes a virus will slip through my firewall, and McAfee will pick it up.


    As a side note on the hackers at bethel, I did email Joel Gott and he replied with an answer for me. I was not satisfied with that answer, but do not want to state publicly what it entailed. Amazing if you want to email me we can share some info. I suggest you do email Joel first though

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