Chilhood Memories

by space 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • 144thousand_and_one


    Thanks a lot for reminding me of something I somewhat forgot. It wasn't enough to go to meetings three times a week, circuit and district incarcerations 2 and 1 time(s) per year respectively, weekly field service, and the ultimate honor, monthly cleaning of the boogers from the walls of the kingdom hall toilets. No, our family had to study for the programming sessions as well, and it was taken seriously, like the situation you described. The elder's family must look right, sit right, talk right, and have the preprogrammed answers to the questions ready to spit out when the idiot at the lectern asks the questions.

    The JW cult sucks all the happiness out of childhood, and savagely attacks a child's self esteem. What a shame that this cult has expanded to it's present level. Hopefully, the internet and sites like this will help reverse the expansion this cult has enjoyed.

  • LyinEyes

    Hi Space!!!! I hope it helps you to know that many, many of us here had the crappiest childhoods ever. I was an elders daughter and it was hard to be perfect. I have been out of borg for a year and am just now coming to terms with childhood abuse, emotional and physical. I am starting to remember things and sometimes I wish I wouldnt remember them .

    I have had a similar experience with my son. What you did as a child sounds like PTSD. Post traumatic stress disorder. My youngest son has it. He was born 2 months early and for the first 3 years of his life , was in the hospital and to him he must have felt tortured. He didnt understand that all those things were necessary for him to survive. All he knew was pain and suffering. He is 7 now and is doing great, no medical problems to speak of . But he has some of the things you described and has such a wild temper once he gets mad. He has set things on fire, many times, throws chairs at his sister, I could go on and on. We are just dealing with it. He is making improvement but I am sure the poor child will always have deep rooted problems .

    Some of the things you did could have been to due to a host of things that the borg put on you as a kid. I am so glad I got my kids out in time to have a little of their childhoods to be normal. I never was as strict as my dad, but being a JW is horrible for the children.

    Glad to have you here and you will find that it helps alot to talk about it.

  • Bendrr

    I can relate somewhat. I never went as far as physically hurting anyone or damaging property, but over the years the rage did indeed build up and my only release was a quick temper and lashing out with harsh words. I know that I hurt people and lost friends because of how I acted.

    I sometimes wonder how many witness kids have come close to turning out like the kids on the news that go on shooting rampages at school.


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