Homework: what do nations think about america?

by raven101 59 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • larc

    Prisca, you mean we should get out of other people's faces? Should we emulate the Norwegians? Now, that is food for thought, don't ya think? If the three Norwegians I know represent their country, then I would shiver in fear if they had the power to take over the world. By the way, I have great affection for you country, and I think most Americans do.

  • Xander
    because the USA has stuck its nose in foreign policies for too long, and a group of Arabs decided to say enough is enough

    Larc kind of said what I think I feel about this, too. IOW, 'Say WHAT?!?!'

    It's WRONG to try and improve other's lives? Really? Granted, the goals are eventually self-serving, but the 'Americanization' of the world means women not having to wear face-concealing burkas anymore in Afghanistan. People being educated in (Gods forbid!) how to read and use computers (where available) in Africa.

    The simple fact of the matter is that the 'American'/'Western' way of life IS better than much of the world is living in, so why SHOULDN'T we try and help people improve to our level?

    That DOES piss people of who are in power in those countries and who keep that power by teaching their subjects that nothing better is possible in this life, and you must sacrifice everything to your cause. Because, see, when we come in and show them something better IS possible, we undermine their totalitarian authority. Then, they get mad and blow up planes and buildings and such.

    THAT'S why 9/11 happened. Because we were presenting a superior lifestyle to cultures whose leaders relied on their peasants' misery.

  • outnfree


    Just caught this thread now, and sorry not to have seen it earlier and answered more thoroughly in time for your class.

    Hope you got an "A"!


  • SpiderMonkey


    We don't care about the rest of world. Well, why should we? The Roman Empire and the British Empire didn't care either. Such is life.

    OK so you're saying... what? That 2 regimes of history, neither of which had its moral capacity tuned even close to what America's is today, didn't care about the rest of the world, so neither should we? Huh?

    Again, why should we? After all, the US is bigger than all of Europe. So, if I learn about Michigan and Indiana, living here in Ohio it is like you poor saps learning about your neighboring countries. So what is the big deal? If we divided up the United States as the world is divided, that would create another 50 countries.

    I'm sorry, but this argument is just sad. You can't possibly believe that there is such a wealth of cultural diversity between, say, Louisiana and Texas as there is between, say, Spain and Portugal. If we divided the U.S. into 50 countries, what would we have? 50 little America's, each with its own regional "flavor" to be sure, but each essentially the same, culturally. When we in America learn about folks one state over from us, we're not exactly "gettin' to know a whole 'nother people"...

    Do we really care about what you think of us?No.

    And this proves what? Similar to the point about not caring about the rest of the world, I think. Not that we should do everything "world opinion" dictates, but why blind ourselves to our own attitudes & actions that have brought world opinion against us? We continue to shamelessly produce consumption, using many times more than our share of the world's resources and pretending pollution doesn't exist, while most "developed" countries (much smaller countries, as you pointed out) in Europe are cutting back and looking for ways to reduce pollution. We don't care about them or what they think about us, and, hey, that's cool. Do we care what we think about ourselves? About our kids, and their kids? Do we want them to be smarter than our parents, or do we want them to piss on the rest of the world and keep saying "everyone wants to live in America, because things are better here than their part of the world"?

    Would you like us if you met us one on one. You bet. We are nice people, just like you are, so get off our back.

    This is true; individual Americans are nice people, and I think that's been pointed out here quite a few times, but the thread (I thought) was about what other countries think about America, not about individual Americans. And the original post asked for people's opinions of America, so if their opinions include some criticism, get off their backs. Those opinions were provided to the original poster to help with an assignment, not to imply to you "The rest of the world hates YOU, LARC, because you are an AMERICAN."


    Edited by - SpiderMonkey on 23 June 2002 1:20:3

  • gravedancer

    I am NOT an American so I guess I get to answer...

    America should quit butting into other countries.....especially giving them money and food etc.

    The US should spend lots of $$ on alternate energy sources and then leave the middle east to fight their own battles. Forget Asia, South America, Africa and all the other places.....all they do is stab the US in the back anyway.

    Tell the UN to move to some place else....most of the time its the other countries needing it or have their begging paws out.

    USA rules!!!

  • Mr Bean
    Mr Bean


    At least we HAVE astronauts, idiot.

    You don't. They died, unfortunately!

    You don't have enough unbiased knowledge and you are too rude to have any conversation.

    Unfortunately, typical arrogance takes over any reasoning.

    Learn some manners firstly, OK?

    Arrogance... hmmm...someone wrote here something about it all ready!


  • Flip

    As a Canadian, I can honestly say that so far I've really enjoyed being American.


  • COMF
    Learn some manners firstly, OK?

    I misread this as "Learn some manners fistly, OK?" I was thinking, "Freudian slip?" LOL

  • BeautifulGarbage

    Prisca wrote:

    how many of them were written by non-Americans? It is hard for non-Americans to look outside their sphere. I'll tell you why 9/11 happened - because the USA has stuck its nose in foreign policies for too long, and a group of Arabs decided to say enough is enough. Not that I am condoning what they did, but I can understand what lead to this terrorist attack.

    I am going to assume that you meant Americans, not non-Americans.

    Yes, I have read some pieces written by non-Americans. Hilary_Step wrote an excellent post regarding how a clash of cultures plays into this. I have been trying to find it, but since it was not a thread that he started and there were so many threads on the topic, it has been difficult.I think that the reasons of 9/11 are complicated. Political, cultural, etc. I would disagree that you understand why the terrorist attack happened.

    Your reason:

    Because the USA has stuck its nose in foreign policies for too long, and a group of Arabs decided to say enough is enough

    You seem to forget the group of Arabs that deplore us to intervene, and provide them military protection. Unfortunately, time does not allow me to go into greater detail. However, I will state this: If you honestly believe what you stated above, IMHO it is no better than George W attempting to drum up support by declaring that the terrorists are "attacking our freedom". They are related in their ignorant simplicity.

    Mr Bean: Thank you for the links. Checked out the first one. Interesting. True? I suppose only time will tell, eh? However, I must say, considering Mr. Dukes dubious past, I cast a suspicious eye on just about anything that may flow from his post KKK fingers.

    As for my user name. It's my third since coming to JW.com nearly a year ago. I would probably change it constantly if it didn't cause so much confusion. Why? I dunno. Just cause.

    BeautifulGarage comes from a song that is from my favorite CD. Also, I love art that is made from discarded materials. Especially, sculptures. So, to me, it's "beautiful". To others, it's merely "garbage". I have always been inspired by those that can take trash, whether it be literal, or life experiences, and make them things of beauty.


    Edited by - BeautifulGarbage on 23 June 2002 13:27:31

  • Mr Bean
    Mr Bean

    Mr Bean: Thank you for the links. Checked out the first one. Interesting. True? I suppose only time will tell, eh? However, I must say, considering Mr. Dukes dubious past, I cast a suspicious eye on just about anything that may flow from his post KKK fingers.

    I'm not aware that Mr. Duke was a K.K.K. But... many of us were...JW's. And our past... does not change any facts.


    This article is written very well, well researched and well documented. I'm not a teenager and I've read many articles about events in modern history Duke is showing in his work. He just put these facts together.

    IMHO his writings are more credible than any CNN reports. Simple point. They would never interview Arafat and put it in the program to show what is going on in Palestine/Israel conflict.


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