JWs and Honesty

by MoeJoJoJo 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • butalbee
    Due to the nature of this particular thread and my personal involvement with certain dishonest jw, I will have a bias opinion on this topic and will plea the 5th.
  • MoeJoJoJo

    Great posts everyone. Basically the witness ain't no better than anyone else. After all they follow the example of momma organization their 'spiritual warfare' is nothing but a bunch of lieing to protect their butts.

    And writer, I am so glad you have found happiness.

  • Reborn2002

    I have to agree with everyone here, that a person can be honest or dishonest, whether a Jehovah's Witness or not.

    Each person should be judged on their own individual merit, not affiliation with any religious denomination.

    However, I will say that in my personal experience I believe that many Jehovah's Witnesses feel they can get away with being lazy or incompetent in financial matters when dealing with another Jehovah's Witness.

    Oftentimes they will cite the Scripture about not charging interest, or to be forgiving of others. In actuality this is simply twisting the moral of the story to avoid paying a debt.

    Think about it. Jehovah's Witnesses are encouraged to NOT take their "brother" to secular court. Then, when it is one person's word against another, there is no judicial action within the organization taken. In fact, the person who is OWED money could be charged with slander for vocally expressing their justified grievance.

    Sick and twisted procedure for a sick and twisted cult.

  • mustang

    I wrote something else earlier, but this jumped out:

    From what OUTLAW said, it is obvious that JW's have a VESTED INTEREST IN COVER-UPS. Since the ORGANIZATION IS CLEAN, (per propaganda), they must MAKE IT LOOK CLEAN at ANY COST.

    Bottom Line: They are no more honest than the nearest POLITICIAN.


    All that I write or utter, is protected by religious freedom under the 1st Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, as the "free exercise" and "freedom of speech" clauses.

  • MoeJoJoJo

    Very true:

    From what OUTLAW said, it is obvious that JW's have a VESTED INTEREST IN COVER-UPS. Since the ORGANIZATION IS CLEAN, (per propaganda), they must MAKE IT LOOK CLEAN at ANY COST.
  • Room 215
    Room 215

    I agree that JWs are about as honest (or dishonest) as the population as a whole. They are probably unique in one aspect, though: for at least the past 60 or so years, they've made a virtue of being financially irresponsible. Until recently, they've impugned the spirituality of those who purchase homes, took out life insurance, invested or even saved money with regularity, went to university, participated in retirement plans. It wasn't uncommon for JWs to borrow money in the expectation that Armageddon will relieve them of the obligation to fully pay back the loan; this was especially true in the pre-1975 era.. And what of those that foolishly took the advice offered in the May 1974 Kingdom Ministry; i.e. to sell their homes and live off the proceeds of the sale while they pioneered in the ``short time left"?

  • Farkel

    I'm surprised with all the good observations that someone hasn't mentioned this:

    Jehovah's Witnesses are not only taught it is ok to lie, but TOLD to lie if someone somehow doesn't "deserve" to know the truth. Who doesn't "deserve" to know the truth? Why, anyone one they want to lie to, that's who.

    I've had JWs work for me, and they've stolen from me. I've had worldly people work for me and they've stolen from me. One guy stole $30,000. The dub only stole a few hundred dollars.

    I would NEVER hire anyone again who's religion orders them to lie. If lying can be so easily justified, so can theft.

    Other than the obvious David Koresh-type Cults, name ONE Christian religion other than Jehovah's Witnesses that have a POLICY that demands its members to lie. You'll be hard-pressed to find one, I'll bet.


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Good point Farkel,

    JWs may object strenuously to this observation, but they're conemptuous of all but their own kind (and as several pof these posts show, many aren't above screwing their brothers). I recall at a Betheol breakfast session where the daily text was routinely discussed, that one old geezer asserted that Rutherford was fond of pointing out that, upon departing Egypt, the Israelites ``took with them much of the good of the Egyptians,'' citing this as justfication for grabbing whatever one could from ``antitypical Egypt'' i.e. everybody but the JWs.

    It sounded like sanctified thuggery to me then, and it does now.

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