The Reason Why Jehovah's Witnesses Will Never Prosper Is The Children

by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    I believe that the religion will remain stagnant due to their Achilles heel, the kids, the children, that next generation.

    Most of them really don't wa t to be in the religion. The parents may have tried everything within their power to make the kids love Jehovah but we all know you can't force someone to love you and you can't make a grown person stay in a relationship or situation if they really don't want to be there.

  • stuckinarut2

    Good point minimus! I agree that most young ones are learning to use critical thinking skills and examine all information they are subjected to.

    sadly though there will always be some gullible, low hanging fruit of society who will fall for the organisation. Also, there will always be a select group of "special" young ones who will blindly accept the garbage....

  • minimus
    They stay on because they are mentally lazy or just aren't too bright.
  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    Most of them really don't wa t to be in the religion. The parents may have tried everything within their power to make the kids love Jehovah but we all know you can't force someone

    Image result for child doesn't want to eat veggies pic

  • Finkelstein

    When one reflectively considers that this religion has only 8 millions members world wide and that it has been door to door proselytizing over that entire time frame, tells a story in itself.

    The JW religion does not have a high retention, the doctrines or just too weakly supported as a predominate reason which can be seen from the general public as well inside by a high number of JWS themselves.

    For example why hasn't the other main stream religions say that the world is at its end and that Armageddon is soon upon humanity ?

    It is a dangerous cult that was built up originally from ignorance and the appeal to sell and promote the literature it produced.

  • minimus
    Kids are smarter these days, thank god!
  • cantleave

    Many children of JW's may go through a phase of not wanting it, but they still stay, even if they don't entirely believe it, because it becomes their way of life, their social life, their normal paradigm.

  • minimus
    Hues, it's what they are accustomed to. They are mentally lazy and do not want to pursue challenging their brains.
  • carla

    The parents will continue to be that carrot for the kids unfortunately for many.

    Then again some of the parents will continue to attempt to bribe kids to stay. We had a case here that I remember, a young lady wanted out but the parents were bribing her with a new car she really wanted, don't remember her final choice and she has not posted for some time if memory serves.

    I know a guy who's relatives tried to ply him with new appliances to join up! hmmm, new appliances or freedom? he chose freedom and that was pre-internet days. He is happy guy and those relatives that warned of the imminent end are long dead.

  • Splash

    I guess he got an education, got a job and bought his own appliances.

    Or inherited them.

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