To Bethel Lurkers: Declare Victory!

by metatron 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • HomebutHiding

    Lollylou...Good grief...that could have been me typing your post. I, too was a conscientious pioneer. I, too, went to the brothers for YEARS as i saw marital problems evolving. I, too, asked my dear sisters and brothers for help. I, too, was neglected. Finally just left. Husband and org...good for me. As soon as I stopped attending meetings, iw as marked. Mind you, I never wad DFd..never gave cause for reprimand, and never received any. Towards the end, the only calls I got were for any time I had failed to report each month. Literally the only calls. No shepherding calls, ever. None. And my faithful companion pio partners? Stopped speaking when i left my claerly abusive husband, (who, BTW had stopped attending meetings long before I ahd.) they will be known by the love they have among themselves? phooey.

  • willy_think


    well Said!

    power is a fickle bitch, she will come to anyone willing to call her.

  • joannadandy

    I think the best Time I ever claimed was a paper I wrote for a health class on bloodless medical procedures, and I counted that as a good three hour witness...

  • NeonMadman
    But at the same time when I really needed help and encouragement, even asking for help for my family, none came. I begged for ten years as I watched my marriage go down the tubes. NOBODY came!! NOBODY cared!! But they sure would go out and get their ten hours in service.

    You should have seen how quickly the elders would have been there if they had thought that you might have done something warranting a judicial committee! Your head would have spun at how fast they would have gotten there to "help".

  • Lollylou


    I think we lived parrallel lives. Thanks for the comment!! How are things now? I love having Saturday mornings without being guilt ridden because I am not in service. Lollylou

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