porn over at "JustJW's"

by professor 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • noidea
    Seems this it the hot topic over there...LOL

    New Messages
    I would be happy to have a discussion with you if you can demonstrate the ability to abstain from profanity.
    Ben 06-16-02
    Disfellowshipped Relatives??
    Jesus loves you jw, I think your use of profanity doesn't speak well of you. I think your pictures that you posted are pointless and show a lack of manners. ...
    applebee 06-16-02
    "Your conscience will not indicate to you what's right or wrong --only what you have been convinced is such." Ben, there is more truth in that statement than you will...
    Jesus loves you_jw 06-16-02
    Disfellowshipped Relatives??
    Jesus loves you_jw 06-16-02
  • GeddyLee

    I laughed until I cried, thats my goofy brother the circuit overseer at the far right in the pioneer picture. It might do him some good standing next to all that porn. It might loosen him up a bit. Doubt it though.

  • 2SYN

    Yeah, that was definitely the funniest thing I've seen in a while, all those "devout" threads on the left, and on the right...WOOHOO!!! Hardcore pr0n!

  • Matty
    For several hours today the group was subjected to abusive, apostate, offensive and pornographic posts and images.

    I am truly sorry if anyone was 'caught out' and shocked, please be assured that this sort of thing is dealt with as soon as it is spotted!

    If it happens again please do not hesitate to email me immediately. The idiot who did this has of course been banned.


    Seems like apostate and pornographic are synonymous!

  • alliwannadoislive

    :( so i missed it all then :(

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    I&P's BACK! What's up super freak?!!!!
    wassup? happy father's day, if you're a daddy that is

    hey I&P. Love you. Guess they finally got wise after a couple of hours. The pics are coming down.

    oh darn... i was hoping they'd still be there :(

    (luv u 2)


  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    For several hours today the group was subjected to abusive, apostate, offensive and pornographic posts and images.

    (...and they loved every minute of it!)

    now how do they know it was apostates? tsk, there they go with that malicious accusery again

  • Matty

    Absolutely. It's the strongest word in the Jehovah's Witness Arsenal, they reserve it for when they are seriously pissed off, never mind what it actually means!

  • 2SYN

    That stuff was VERY FAR from Apostate! I truly do not see the connection with the "T&A" that I saw there and Apostacy! What are they trying to do, make us Apostates look bad or something? That's rich!

    But then, some Apostates are bad. Very bad indeed. MWUHAHAH!!!!

  • Simon

    Yes ... they have a simple method of deduction. Something bad = must be apostates.

    I *hope* no one here would be dumb enough to do something like that because while it may initially cause a chuckle, ultimately it just helps to reinforce the isolationist view they have. It would never make anyone think about their beliefs or have meaningful dialogue and just causes someone extra work.

    We don't like it when people do things to us?

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